I like gold

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
I think it looks like boron because its not uniform between the leaf vains
a couple clearer pics would help

OK so first off, I'm a total newb only have grow a few times and havenot faced any real challenges...until now
Don't worry not thread jacking

I have been studying that picture last 4 days.imo the most annoying thing with growing is identifying nutrient def/tox.
So hopefully I am right....
Manganese or http://www.growweedeasy.com/sites/growweedeasy.com/files/calcium-deficiency-leaf.jpg
Maganese is super common about 50% of the deficiencies i see are Maganese but i dont think this is Maganese it more rounded rust spots that start around the main vain it also looks close to a Magnesium D but the Mag D is real symmetrical and it tends to affect every spot between the vanes in the leaf i could be totally wrong here its hard to diagnose some of these from a cell pic lol

grow weed easy is a great deficiency resource lots of good pics


Active Member
These are the best i can come up with. As you all can see the new growth looks to be fine. This is how things went. On the 29th i started germination. On the 1rst it went into the solo cup with just foxfarms ocean forest plain distilled water.on the 11th or 12th i moved it to a 3 liter pail. Just water.all of the above was with a 21watt led for light.on the 13th or 14th it went in the tent. And got its 1rst feeding with 1tsp in a gallon of of distilled water. On the 16th when i was giving it a second feeding i noticed the spots. And here we are. i also fimed it on the 16th.



Well-Known Member
I think it looks like boron because its not uniform between the leaf vains
a couple clearer pics would help

Maganese is super common about 50% of the deficiencies i see are Maganese but i dont think this is Maganese it more rounded rust spots that start around the main vain it also looks close to a Magnesium D but the Mag D is real symmetrical and it tends to affect every spot between the vanes in the leaf i could be totally wrong here its hard to diagnose some of these from a cell pic lol

grow weed easy is a great deficiency resource lots of good pics
Oh shoot, I thought I was starting to get a hang of it :wall:


Well-Known Member
The usual suspect when leaves look like that is magnesium deficiency. Of all things, epsom salt does a fine job dealing with it.

Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate in a hydrate crystal. It dissolves very easily in warm water, it's also a great source of soluble sulfur. Start with about 1.5g/gal in your nutrient solution.

It's available at drugstores and Wal-Mart for a dollar or so per pound.

Or buy Advanced Nutrients' BUD FACTOR X, which is the same active ingredient, only they'll charge you $80 for a quart sized water bottle... though I think it's a ripoff, don't you?
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Well-Known Member
ob wondering the answer to this as well, something like this was happening to me ... happened around wk 4 or 5 12/12 after a large feed (not ph'd), copper spots + ate up leaves... Next feed (+ few after) I flushed with almost no nutes and it got better, did not spread any further. Thinking it was either: Nute burn (not yours you barely fed), or Nute lockout (deficiency) cause i didnt ph and gave so many nutes. (using tap water) I dont think its burn cause you used 1ml ... so with my limited experience my only guess is lockout, if your water + soil's too acidic it could cause Mg deficiency. I'd probably try what ttystikk says, his garden speaks for itself lol. Heres a ph chart for ya though so you can see what i meant, just wanted to share the experience i had incase it can help somehow. Hope your baby there gets better bro!

...they'll charge you $80 for a quart sized water bottle... though I think it's a ripoff, don't you?
sounds like it, lol damn. cool $ saving tip, thank you!

edit: forgot the chart
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Active Member
so my big question is should i use epson salt or should i pick up cal-mag? dhould i flush or not? and should i stop using nutes for a week or 2 or keep on same schedule(1tsp to 1 gal water)? im also going to get ph-up and ph down..thats a must.


Well-Known Member
Don't take this (VERY Long) post as gospeI my friend only 3 months experience boss just coming up on first harvest. Thoughts though. I trust ttystikk's experience regarding epsom salt. I use Earth Juice Elements Cal Mag myself, (btw WOW cause of your thread I just tested its ph it is just under 3... very acidic... interesting... can lock itself out). I'd think that the epsom will solve Mg issues, as will the cal mag. The most $ effective solution would be the epsom salt, cheap and obviously proven, you can find others vouching for it as well. If its not about the money, then Cal Mag would essentially do the same, and *id think* it would add the benefit of taking care of calcium needs as well as long as your soil is in that ph "butter zone" down the road since you have 0ppm with no micronutes so will evntually need some (i use tap so it has some cal and mag). The ph up/ down would be a handy tool to keep it optimum. When you use 0 ppm you kinda have full control over all your plant is taking in. As for nutes though, what are you using? See if anyones tested its ph and if it couldve lowered your solution's. You don't have to flush many times the medium at least i cant advise that, never done it. I did trial and error; First if shes not thirsty, let drink and finish water, Then straight watered or maybe like 1/5 or 1/4 of normal str do maybe 1 and one quarter medium flush so for you if its 3L pot that's bout a gal. Then observe, If it keeps getting worse which ive found stright water hasnt done for me, up the nutes next one, if it gets better i feed with water again, till i saw signs of health. Then low nutes and kinda pick back up. What nutes are you using though? lol forgot to ask:bigjoint:.


Active Member
Ok. So i went to the hydroponics store today fo a ph up and down test kit and some cal mag. When i went to sho the guy pics of my plant to get his recommendation i was promptly told that he cant sell me anything and was asked to leave. My bad. Well so im going to have to go the route of using epson salt. And wait to go to jersey to another store this weekend. So any recommendations for what i can do?


Well-Known Member
DAMN...... yeah they cant sell if you say anything about weed they sell equipment for "tomatoes" lol. I once u get to know the guy he might be chill... Or he could actually just grow veggies, probably best if we never find out now though :P. Next time just use the good ole tomatoes if you want to ask a deficiency question, hell probably know what you mean anyways lol. Or play it safe. For your baby I would probably go with ttystikks reccomendation there because It's not going to burn your plant at that level. Won't hurt to do that I'm wondering do you have the micro and the bloom?
Heres genhydro's feed chart for soil, coco & soilless. The micros a pretty huge part.
>>> http://generalhydroponics.com/site/gh/docs/feeding_sched/GH_FloraSeries-Simple.pdf
The second one is the one you want.
That particular system is designed as a 3 part, and that could be why youre seeing deficiencies the micro and bloom have important parts to your plants health and as you see there should be used together.
You can actually get away with huge success using just the bloom and micro without the grow at all, It's called lucas formula.
>>> http://lucasformula.com/
I'd argue that they may be better to get than the cal mag as if you us the 3 part its designed so theres no need for it


Well-Known Member
Because if you have micro and bloom, use em! If not id say start with the epsom once the pot is dry, like its barely moist close to the bottom. just feel the dirt near drain hole for a bottom of pot measurement, or finger in the soil whatever. Idk how to advise on the nutes honestly, personally i err on side of caution so id probably drop them down a little then observe the changes and youll see if shes getting better. you say she was coolin before she should be fine! If you see no more problems id up the flora gro. I went with Flora Nova Bloom, dont like it though gross shit you can see the heavy salts im switching to canna next go