I looked all over WTF is this?

think guys basic science from highschool what happeneded when things are dryed and crispy? lack of nutrients and water reaching some spots of the plants i would call for a root check and flush that baby..
I have to tell you that Tavi impressed me. He stayed cool when he had every right to "fire back" as he put it. His reaction was defiantly one of character. Throw him some rep he deserves it more then me. TY for the comment and rep.
It's all good Bro. It's the interwebs, it's hard to take people the right way and be right 100% of the time. Shit happens.
Lockout can come from either too much of some kind of nute, or from root damage ( fungas, rot, etc.. )

Overfeeding: Flush the heck out of it and then let the medium dry out well befor watering again. Or repot in a balanced soil. Or at the least just stop feeding them for a while. From the looks of your plant I would say stop feeding, water only when the pots are dry ( with ph'd water), wait a week or so and see if that does it.

Befor watering again check your roots! ( easiest when the roots are dry)

Root Rot: Check the roots for color. They should be a white or light tan color. If they are brown or black then you will need to flush with H2O2 to kill the fungas. Check and see if any bugs have made a home in the soil while you are at it. I once got termites in my soil, no idea how they got there, but they killed the plant.

Most new growers tend to overfeed and / or overwater and wonder whats going on with the leaves. When trying to correct a problem it is best to do ONE change , then wait and see what happens and if that didn't work try ONE more change. Trying to do too many changes at once will lead to more problems.

what where the temps in your flower room next to your plants???