I love Anonymous even more! (if that's possible)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
They are now going after the lobbyists and campaign funding machines that fuel the two party system. :)

"We are a decentralized non-violent resistance movement, which seeks to restore the rule of law and fight back against the organized criminal class.

We are not affiliated with either wing of the two-party oligarchy. We seek an end to the corrupted two-party system by ending the campaign finance and lobbying racket."

Go get 'em! :D

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Anonymous, the internet hacking group sympathetic to WikiLeaks, has revealed internal Bank of America (BofA) email correspondence purporting to show employees of a subsidiary, Balboa Insurance, discussing removing documents from files relating to homes insured by the company. The former employee who leaked the emails to Anonymous says they show BofA engaged in fraud during the foreclosure process, but the lack of context makes it impossible to judge from the emails themselves. BofA said: "We are confident that his extravagant claims are untrue."

Link to article


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update.

I was not monitoring that..

I was commenting that we have two basic forms of Government. 1.) Legal/Law based and 2.) Financial/Economic.
One we can vote on and the other is imposed on us and we cannot vote out.

Did you see the Zeitgeist Moving Forward?
It's possible that the crashes are deliberate. It serves concentrate economic control into the hands of Fewer people.

So many houses and so many homeless people and the answer is to not put people in houses.

Do you think someday people will be buying their oxygen?
Maybe working three jobs to afford their oxygen as well?


Active Member
Anonymous isn't some leet hacker group. It's the /b/ section of 4chan.org

Sure they got some script kiddies but its mostly just trolls trolling trolls and so much disgusting shit posted there it'll rot the brain


Well-Known Member
It matters little how many laws these banks broke, how many families they illegally evicted, nor how much damage they did to this country. No one will ever be prosecuted for these crimes against humanity, at the most they will have to pay fines the equivalent of .00001% of the wealth they illegally stole, and they will never have to admit to wrong doing.