I love obama


Well-Known Member
maybe but the difference is that obama will force me to have healthcare but ron paul wont force me to not have an abortion i like someone that is firm and makes me do things instead of not enforcing their opinion i like to live my life by one principle rule and that is to trust politicians that want to make me do things because they are looking out for what is best for me better than i do im glad that my company is being forced to pay everyone for healthcare even though some of my freinds might get fired also i need obama to tell me who should die in the middle east because im not sure but i believe that he is because he believes that yes we can i hope that you will realize that ron paul isnt forceful enough to be president we need someone that can help us with our confusing lives and bring us together for change ron paul would take over and let people make decisions on their own and that is very dangerous sir i hope you realize this because freedom of man is dangerous and i think people need all the help they can get in making decisions by obama limiting their decisions to one that way life is easy and everyone can just goto work and not worry about running their own lives because they dont need to i hope you realize this and i enjoy the questions.

You are really lost
If you lose your job and cannot afford the heath insurance the Goverment will subsidize it for you

You truly are lost soul


Well-Known Member
i lyk rawn pawl becuz hee sez teh hoemoesezuals ees nawt ecceptaballz butt hee naver seez peeple inn grewpz.


Well-Known Member
i downt lyk obama faur thatt reezin i lyk rawn pawl becuz hee sez no eermarkz zen hee getz eermarkz zen hee voat againit butt hee steel getz eearmarkz.
i believe in my heart that all the money that congress gets should be placed into a giant slush fund so they can just randomly throw it at problems designating money be earmakrz is stupid because it will priritze where the money would go and that would be chaos they should just give congress a computer and they can just add money whereever is necessary without much discussion that way we can get things done i hope congress spends more money because we need spending for the economy so that everyone spends more without any consequences this would be best for america as long as we have a president who tell us where to spend all the money because it will be unlimited when we finally get congress one of those computers that create money the constitution was used to trick us into not doing this sooner i hope this change comes about quickly so we can just make all the money we need then we wont have to work anymore because we will have unlimited money which will help us by stuff and having lots of stuff is very important thanks for the question.


Well-Known Member
You are really lost
If you lose your job and cannot afford the heath insurance the Goverment will subsidize it for you

You truly are lost soul

I think we should subsidize ervythingthing because it worked out well with the houses for a while until the republicans put a wrench in our plan to have free houses for everyone those republicans dont believe in change we could all have free houses that the government can pay for with our money that way we can pay for free houses just like we can pay for free medical and student loans his concepts are great in understanding economics you can just print more money and subsidize everything that way everything is cheaper for eveyone and people will buy more stuff because they are forced to pay to subsidize it anyway so they might as well buy the stuff that they don't need i think this is excellent change that we can believe in and i hope obama is president for 4 more years because subsidizing everything has worked out great and i believe we should use the housing model and use that in healthcare and education that way everyone can have free healthcare and education that they pay for excellent question.


Well-Known Member
i lyk rawn pawl becuz hee sez teh hoemoesezuals ees nawt ecceptaballz butt hee naver seez peeple inn grewpz.

I like obama because he spoke out for homosexuals like he spoke out for immigrants unfortunately he couldnt stop his administration from deporting the most immigrants in history i think four more yerrs if we give him he will be able to stop the increased spending on deportations and the drug war because change that we can believe in doesnt start until 4 years after election i think we should keep voting for obama because he has been so great and consistent with his platform in regards to everything and he is just a great person i hope he sings me a song today imreally happy he is around to run my life i dont no what i would do without him keep the questions coming.


Well-Known Member
What if you're on a fixed income and can't afford it?
If you cannot afford it then obama will find a way see obama knows that basic economics and history are wrong if government gets involved in an industry then the prices will go down that way people can have both free healthcare and can afford it at the same time i hope you will realize this breakthrough philosophy because we can have anything we want i hope obama subsidizes boats next year because all americans should have boats its very important for the future of this country because if we dont all have boats and diplomacy with the sun fails then we will need our boats when the planet floods it is important to look out for those that can;t swim and even more important that we all get subsidized boats right away they can just use the slush fund thanks.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
If you cannot afford it then obama will find a way see obama knows that basic economics and history are wrong if government gets involved in an industry then the prices will go down that way people can have both free healthcare and can afford it at the same time i hope you will realize this breakthrough philosophy because we can have anything we want i hope obama subsidizes boats next year because all americans should have boats its very important for the future of this country because if we dont all have boats and diplomacy with the sun fails then we will need our boats when the planet floods it is important to look out for those that can;t swim and even more important that we all get subsidized boats right away they can just use the slush fund thanks.


Well-Known Member
Read up- my freind

The goverment will pay for it

have you enrolled in the Mexican goverments health plan yet?
You can you know even as a american citizen living there

The government will pay for everything i dont know where the government gets all its money but it is important that we let the government help us when we need the government is our freind and obamas freind together they can create change all we have to do is wait for more years and by then change will have occured and obama and the government will be the hero because the government and obama believes in change that we can all believe in with the governments money we can all have wonderful lives and all the stuff we need without paying for ir because the government will pay for it to help us out because obama helps the government understand that the money should be spent to help get us more stuff to get the economy going it hasnt worked yet but we should give obama at least 10 more years to prove himeself and that he is the man for change he can create change by changing the government to help us with everything i need help with everything i do so life isnt so complicated i hope that government will pay for life so that i dont have to worry about it also i think all americans should have subsidized vacations because vacations are important for the mind body and soul if we have subsidized boats as well they will be free for us when we get to go on our government cvacations that way if we make the sun god mad and diplomacy doesnt work then we can just get on our boats and go on our subsidized vacations and be ready for global warming to happen again this time it will kill us thanks for listening and if you have more question i can answer yes we can.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Read up- my freind

The goverment will pay for it

have you enrolled in the Mexican goverments health plan yet?
You can you know even as a american citizen living there
From what I've been hearing, I am liable for my health insurance and will be TAXED by the IRS if I fail to comply.
No, I haven't paid 3 times more than what my medical expenses were this year, to get into a system that even the Mexicans don't like.


Well-Known Member
From what I've been hearing, I am liable for my health insurance and will be TAXED by the IRS if I fail to comply.
No, I haven't paid 3 times more than what my medical expenses were this year, to get into a system that even the Mexicans don't like.
Who says the mexicans dont like it?
what if you get into a accident or need medical care for a unforeseen disease?


Well-Known Member
got an extra $400k lying around?

you mean to say we'll pay for it.
you are wrong the government will pay for it because obama talked the government into helping us out with ourbills i hope obama is reelected since he has good relations with the government and is the best one to talk with the government about helping pay our bills i think obama and the government should create mandatory exercise laws so that everyone can be healthy this way everyone will exercise together because i need someone to tell me to do things that i can do on my own it is important that we as a society reelect obama so he can have diplomacy with the government and help it please pay for our health insurance so we can all be healthy together yes we can thanks.


Well-Known Member
you are wrong the government will pay for it because obama talked the government into helping us out with ourbills i hope obama is reelected since he has good relations with the government and is the best one to talk with the government about helping pay our bills i think obama and the government should create mandatory exercise laws so that everyone can be healthy this way everyone will exercise together because i need someone to tell me to do things that i can do on my own it is important that we as a society reelect obama so he can have diplomacy with the government and help it please pay for our health insurance so we can all be healthy together yes we can thanks.
i lyk rawn pawl teh kent snyder mawdel uf helthcair iss bestt cherch charty end nayburrs pai four mye medcali beells.