I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun

funkeyMunkey, post: 12708249, member: 887380"]i sure wish you were back in the south! Your genetics look pretty sick man! Would love to get my hands on something from another southerner. Haha I've lurked in the outdoor section for awhile and I've been taking notes from everybody in here. Yall are a great group!!
Well GA ever gets there head out there ass I will be sitting north of Ballground somewhere. till then I live it here and don't see me leaving any time soon.
Spinosad kills beneficials too! There must be another way...
predatory bugs but you need to know the bad bug to get the right ones. you could try spraying the plants and the area around them with spinosad that way the good guys can come back later.
Well GA ever gets there head out there ass I will be sitting north of Ballground somewhere. till then I live it here and don't see me leaving any time soon.

That would be pretty cool, living 3 hours away buddy. I drive through there all the time going to Claxton, GA.
That would be really really cool. I'm gonna be near ATL soon so I hope GA gets on the ball. It's getting a little ridiculous at this point. I'm ready for the east coast to get with the program
Well my perants live in Canton and my sister in between Holly springs and Woodstock so we would move closer to them if we ever could. I love Pickens county just north of them but Pickens county people are idiots so nowhere is perfect. I will be in Canton for Christmas this year though. Should there for like 2 weeks minimum