I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun

Now that is cought up I have some bad news it seems Dc got arrested in fucking Nebraska night before last. He didn't come with me here and other than that i dont know a whole lot except if he can prove it was his stuff then they will drop some charges. Don't think he had a lot but not certain
bond was set at 100K, Lawyers & Norml have been contacted
In Nebraska if you have live plants they consider it manufacturing and charge with the total weight of everything. A one gallon pot could give you a charge for trying to sell 5 lbs of weed. Plus, hash is an automatic 3 - life. It's so screwed up that they would try to completely destroy someone's life because they had legal medication that was being transported to a legal state.
In Nebraska if you have live plants they consider it manufacturing and charge with the total weight of everything. A one gallon pot could give you a charge for trying to sell 5 lbs of weed. Plus, hash is an automatic 3 - life. It's so screwed up that they would try to completely destroy someone's life because they had legal medication that was being transported to a legal state.
Gee man those are harsh laws
Charges have been set, he did have 2 kinds of hash, but it was under 2 grams, and under 1/4 lb of MJ. He has been charged with possession with intent on both.
He also had a few shrooms and there was no intent filed only possession, That's a good thing in the big picture. A warrant was served on a house in Iowa (old house) and grow equipment was found in storage in a back room. Have not been to MI yet? Nor have they visited any of the folks he visited with here, me included. His bond is 100K but as of last I heard the family is workin on a good lawyer first

That's all I know
Yeah, same here in Commonwealth of Kentucky. Pedophiles get same amount of time.
In ky,under 5 plants is just a fine and under 8 oz of dried bud in just and fine as they just write you a ticket..they don't even take you in for peshion under the two new laws..ky ...yes I live in ky...been busted in the earley 80s for growing tuns and the law has got beter and with luck soon will be legal to grow 12 plants.rite now 5 plants and over is jail time or prison..
Charges have been set, he did have 2 kinds of hash, but it was under 2 grams, and under 1/4 lb of MJ. He has been charged with possession with intent on both.
He also had a few shrooms and there was no intent filed only possession, That's a good thing in the big picture. A warrant was served on a house in Iowa (old house) and grow equipment was found in storage in a back room. Have not been to MI yet? Nor have they visited any of the folks he visited with here, me included. His bond is 100K but as of last I heard the family is workin on a good lawyer first

That's all I know
I hope every thing turns out good for him and all.ky
In ky,under 5 plants is just a fine and under 8 oz of dried bud in just and fine as they just write you a ticket..they don't even take you in for peshion under the two new laws..ky ...yes I live in ky...been busted in the earley 80s for growing tuns and the law has got beter and with luck soon will be legal to grow 12 plants.rite now 5 plants and over is jail time or prison..

We don't have the opiate problems on the western end. Might as well be Oklahoma to compare. If you have plants and weight of any amount and they find baggies or scales you are going to jail for trafficking. Nothing better to do on western end than go to church and fuck with people.
We don't have the opiate problems on the western end. Might as well be Oklahoma to compare. If you have plants and weight of any amount and they find baggies or scales you are going to jail for trafficking. Nothing better to do on western end than go to church and fuck with people.
The opiate problems are just as bad there as any place on earth.scales yes baggies no.the law is the same state wide as it should be.If your rated out for selling its a different ball game that's for sure.You should help get ky, legal by looking on the web site and try to help out........KENTUCKINS FOR MEDICINAL MARIJUANA..............Any thing helps out buy a tee shirt and support the people fighting for your and my rites to grow and use pot.ky
Neb is no joke. The sent a partner of mine to prison for cash......too much cash. It's a crime in Neb to have over $9,999. He pled to misdemeanor intent to traffic & they gave him 6 months. They found no drugs only cash.....Nebraska SUCKS!
Is that when you can't show a legitimate reason/source for the cash? That's horrible, sorry to hear. Hope your partner's home now.
Neb is no joke. The sent a partner of mine to prison for cash......too much cash. It's a crime in Neb to have over $9,999. He pled to misdemeanor intent to traffic & they gave him 6 months. They found no drugs only cash.....Nebraska SUCKS!
I remember that one jj...was that with the 40k?