I’m Dangerous With Love Hearts Hallucinogenic Ibogaine

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hey friends ... if you live in NYC ... you are in for a treat ....


Ex-Leisure Class front man and one-time serial drug abuser Dimitri Mugianis explores the shamanic ritual use and rehabilitative properties of psychoactive substance ibogaine in the frank documentary I’m Dangerous With Love.

Opening Wednesday at New York’s IFC Film Center with Emmy-winning director Michel Negroponte and other filmmakers and subjects in tow, I’m Dangerous With Love peels back the controversial layers of addiction and treatment while hoping to dispel paranoia about hallucinogenic therapy. The naturally occurring ibogaine has been routinely used for centuries by African shamans, and is perhaps fated to join other Schedule I drugs like LSD and Ecstasy in healing what has become a global village shocked and awed into persistent post-traumatic stress disorder.

I’m Dangerous With Love, which chronicles Mugianis’ attempts to procure and evangelize ibogaine, has scored an enthusiastic endorsement from documentary stalwart D.A. Pennebaker (Don’t Look Back). A DVD release is due later this spring.
I will enjoy this documentary when it is available.
Looks interesting to say the least.

source ...


Active Member
Really cool man, I wanna see that. Got a few close friends struggling real bad with dope addiction right now so it hits home for me


Well-Known Member
Ibogaine is heavy stuff, potentialy fatal, even if you cleared the EKG and whatever test, sometimes it happens days after the eperience, just poof, sudden death.
That is why I don't believe its good for recreational/ecucational use. For those in the arms of serious addictions that will almost certainly end in death, it is worth the gamble in my books.
Ibogaine use has a mortality rate of about 1 in 300. Deaths. (http://hubpages.com/hub/Ibogaine-Painless-Drug-Withdrawal)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Ibogaine is heavy stuff, potentialy fatal, even if you cleared the EKG and whatever test, sometimes it happens days after the eperience, just poof, sudden death.
That is why I don't believe its good for recreational/ecucational use. For those in the arms of serious addictions that will almost certainly end in death, it is worth the gamble in my books.
Ibogaine use has a mortality rate of about 1 in 300. Deaths. (http://hubpages.com/hub/Ibogaine-Painless-Drug-Withdrawal)
You can also get hit by a car ...while crossing an intersection .... every-day ....boom .... dead.
ANCS figures are correct tho .... this is heavy stuff indeed. Voodoo stuff.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Ibogaine is heavy stuff, potentialy fatal, even if you cleared the EKG and whatever test, sometimes it happens days after the eperience, just poof, sudden death.
That is why I don't believe its good for recreational/ecucational use. For those in the arms of serious addictions that will almost certainly end in death, it is worth the gamble in my books.
Ibogaine use has a mortality rate of about 1 in 300. Deaths. (http://hubpages.com/hub/Ibogaine-Painless-Drug-Withdrawal)
But the trip is completely unique! Nothing compares. It's magical stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yes indeed, but in traditional setting you would be prepared for days ahead of the time, and also brought to trance during the ceremony.
This does something to the brain processes which offers protection.

We hypothesize, that these deaths may be a result of cardiac arrhythmias, caused by a dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system.
Ibogain affects the autonomic nervous system by influencing several neurotransmitter-systems and the fastigial nucleus. The cerebellar nucleus responds to small doses with a stimulation of the sympathetic system, leading to a fight or flight reaction. High doses however lead to a vagal dominance: a “feigned death”.
The risk of cardiac arrhythmias is increased in situations of sympathetic stimulation or coincidence of a high parasympathetic tonus and a left-sided sympathetic stimulation. This could occur under influence of small doses of ibogaine and also at times of exhaustion with a high vagal tonus, when sudden fear reactions could cause a critical left-sided sympathetic stimulation. Gabonian healers prevent these risks by isolating their patients from normal life and by inducing a trance-state with right-hemispheric and vagal dominance for several days.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Anybody who doesn't treat hallucinogens with proper respect and proper preperation should be wholly barred from their use. It's as simple as that. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but few of us know enough shamanic technology to safely use this substance.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Aah. If only these substances were legal. I would definitely hold the occupation of shaman...
Shamanism is not an occupation brother ..... it is a dying breed ..... you have to be tapped in ..... it takes a lifetime to learn skillzz which are passed on to the right people in the right places. It has nothing to do with getting high .... more with medicine and curing ailments.

For example ... Ayahuasca is not the same as smoking DMT .... kinda thing.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Shamanism is not an occupation brother ..... it is a dying breed ..... you have to be tapped in ..... it takes a lifetime to learn skillzz which are passed on to the right people in the right places. It has nothing to do with getting high .... more with medicine and curing ailments.

For example ... Ayahuasca is not the same as smoking DMT .... kinda thing.
Semantics aside, that's basically what I was saying. I'm a psychonaut, but in the world I dream of, psychonautics would be something a person could pursue as a profession and that's basically what I'm getting at. :)
Dimitri and I will be at the IFC Center tomorrow afternoon. Passing out a few free tickets! Come see the film.
If we sell enough tickets, we may be able to expand the theatrical release elsewhere in the country. The art houses
will be looking at the numbers on Monday morning! So spread the word. Peace. Michel Negroponte