i made a noob move whats gunna happen now?

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
a few days ago, 5 inches down from one of the main colas i was checking out the underside of the cola when i bent the whole thing sideways :wall:.... i propped her back up into an up right position but today i noticed where i bent her is all brown like a nice bruise... i guess im asking what is gunna happen? will she heal? is she in shock? idk...

thanks fam :peace:


Well-Known Member
a few days ago, 5 inches down from one of the main colas i was checking out the underside of the cola when i bent the whole thing sideways :wall:.... i propped her back up into an up right position but today i noticed where i bent her is all brown like a nice bruise... i guess im asking what is gunna happen? will she heal? is she in shock? idk...

thanks fam :peace:
it will heal, but you need some support , like some wood or thick cardboard, and strap it around ,
is it just a bend of a break

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
it will heal, but you need some support , like some wood or thick cardboard, and strap it around ,
is it just a bend of a break
just a bend and honestly not too bad of one but it deff bent into a 90 degree angle, a sharp pinch but shes standing up on her own should i still make a cast?


Well-Known Member
Use soft tie to leverage the bend to the exact spot you want it wait 5-7 days should start supporting well again. As far as the color not sure sounds like a super crop bend I wouldn't worry too much unless growth stops

Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
Use soft tie to leverage the bend to the exact spot you want it wait 5-7 days should start supporting well again. As far as the color not sure sounds like a super crop bend I wouldn't worry too much unless growth stops

i feel u it kinda was like a super crop bend and thats just it, shes 6 weeks into flowering im sure that wasnt the treatment she wanted ya dig? idk i just felt bad for her & wanted some feedback..

thanks yall


Well-Known Member
i feel u it kinda was like a super crop bend and thats just it, shes 6 weeks into flowering im sure that wasnt the treatment she wanted ya dig? idk i just felt bad for her & wanted some feedback..
you felt bad for her!!!!
i missed that . Then you should have more respect for your plants, its not good noobie, not good at all .. YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD!!!


Well-Known Member
just a bend and honestly not too bad of one but it deff bent into a 90 degree angle, a sharp pinch but shes standing up on her own should i still make a cast?
I did a severe supercrop test on a flowering White Widow a few runs ago where I broke her 3/4 of the way through the main stem. In this case, I just let it hang, and it did just fine.

If you want to repair, what I've done in the past is use electrical tape, and tape an empty Bic pen casing over the bend so it stands back up straight. Leave the wound itself untaped if it didn't rip the skin, and just use tape in spots where it'll hold the stem to the pen casing for support.


Noobie. Kinda

Well-Known Member
sweet deal sweet pussy im only a second timer my first grow was 7 ft tall tho haha visit my old threads is u care to look :)