I man,400 watts, 9 random seeds and a dream.


MJ 038.jpgThese cups will be the jist of the journalMJ 027.jpgHere is my flower tent. Its finishing up with 9 other random bagseeds and isnt looking to bad at the moment ill post pics of them throughout.


This is where the seedlings will go until the current grow is harvested.MJ 039.jpgHere is a snap of the current flower tent.MJ 030.jpgMJ 035.jpgAnd another closeup of the current grow.


MJ 005.jpgMJ 010.jpgMJ 001.jpgMJ 011.jpgMJ 003.jpgMJ 007.jpgMJ 008.jpgMJ 009.jpg

All buds continue to swell daily. Only other news is the party cups showed their first signs of life when i checked em today. They will be moved to the 250 watt cfl under 18/6 until my current grow is finished.


MJ 008.jpgMJ 007.jpgMJ 009.jpgMJ 010.jpgOk so all of the party cups are showing signs of life. They have been moved under the 250w cfl for the time being. Ill post pics of the ladies in flower later today and u guys can tell me how much longer u think they have.


MJ 009.jpgMJ 007.jpgMJ 004.jpgAlmost 4 weeks since the switch was flipped on these guys. Started with 12 plants and ended up with 9 happy healthy females. Im guessing they have a few more weeks until they finish. No change in pistol color as of now. Thought anyone?????


sick mj 014.jpgsick mj 023.jpgsick mj 012.jpgsick mj 007.jpgsick mj 016.jpgsick mj 024.jpgsick mj 010.jpgsick mj 017.jpgsick mj 001.jpgsick mj 008.jpgsick mj 004.jpgsick mj 011.jpgsick mj 019.jpgsick mj 002.jpgsick mj 018.jpgsick mj 009.jpgsick mj 013.jpgsick mj 006.jpgsick mj 003.jpgsick mj 005.jpgsick mj 015.jpgOk so heres some new pics along with some new problems. everything looks good with the other plants for the most part except for the obvious. Its leaves are turning really yellow and look to be dying. The temp and humidity are both within range. The PH of all plants are between 5.5 and 6.4. This particular plant is a steady 6.1. Its had no different treatment than the other plants. The other plants are displaying a little yellowing wich i understand is normal when flowering. Sooooo thoughts anyone????? Should I pick up some CalMag and dose it to see what happens. Should I back off the nutes a bit. Ive burned plants before but it didnt really look like this if i remember correctly. Sick plant forums dont really help me bc i think it looks Like all of the problems ya know. Never really had a problem this intense but hey theres a first time for everything and hopefully I can learn something from her. Any advice will be met with open ears.