I mastered bacteria! 12 hour froth. How i did.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
Man I tried that multi quote thing and am lost. Lol, I wil get it.

Hey I smoked some of my wws and while it was way early and just a bit of sugar and some bud hairs it was the damn same thing as oxycodone. I was so stoked I stayed up all night. cant wait. . :)

tea tree

Well-Known Member
Well as the little girls wud say OMFG! I have just discovered another use for bacteria. BTI, bacteria blah blah, lol, to long to remmeber but it is the stuff in gnatrol or the hella cheaper mosquito dunks for 10 dollars at lowes. This stuff is a bacteria that is manufactured and organic to kill fungus gnats! It gets into the soil and without harming the plants at all it kills all the larvae of the fungus gnats.

I have read some wicked results with this and also how versatile it is. Just take a cake of the stuff and dun it in water and then let it sit overnight. Take that water and use it as a soil drench. Or topdress with the broken cakes, just use a little or use as much it supposedly is harmless and water in. Shud kill all. I cannot get rid of these little cocksuckers! I hate them. Damn, do I hate them.

From rr pucks to my flower girls they are an infestation. BTI!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
yu guys know that to be a true soil web gardener yu got to innocualate yer seeds with bacteria and myco. that sounds good to me. I just swore off the bacteria until a few weeks at least and now hear I am. Well I dont mean in a tea this time, just some spt. If I did use a compost tea I would prob use a cup per a larger amount of water. that sounds safe. while it may have been the fungus nats not ph that got my girls I cant be sure. Well I checked runoff and saw it high, but after fixed I saw no return.

I think a tutorial on flushing is what I need to find...

to serve man

Active Member
Isn't gnatrol a synthetic chemical? I don't think that it is all organic. I have some left over from a while ago and I'm pretty sure its toxic.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
really! well it is not gnatrol, it is the bti, manmade bacteria that I got news from the master gardener website is ok and natural. I tried a dremch on a plant that I am going to have to kill anyway. Lol, we will see. The best advice is to repot. Then sand. Then the omri listed sprays or predator neamtodes or in the same category the BTI, which I thought was the ingred in gnatrol, I did not buy that just the mosquito dunks.


Well-Known Member
Red wigglers are the best. They can eat .25% of there body weight a day. I plan on recycling worms in and out of pots through growth.
The worms aren't liking the bin, it gets too hot in there for them. Im going to post some pics and an update.

Between Tea Tree and Subcool I'll have a BS in organic cultivation.