I messed up BAD suggestions


Well-Known Member
on another thread I posted some pictures and someone told me I should check for mold in a particular spot because a fan leaf was much more dead than the rest. Just turned my lights on and opened the bud up a bit only to find this........im so sad what should I do? cut that bud off and let the rest continue? Also how do I prevent this in the future? my humidity has been right around 50-60% guess I should lowered it.



Well-Known Member
Go buy fungicide?!?!?!

Or wait -_- that kills this type of mold right?

-- The other guys are prolly right... more air and dry it up instantly.


Well-Known Member
i dunno how fast or aggressive mold grows, never had to deal with it. but i would probably harvest that bud. and clean all the mold off before letting it dry. just to be safe. and get more air flow. air flow helps prevent mold. maybe a dehumidifier.


Active Member
Run your humidity around 40% and keep fans on them. You should be fine..

Never ever spray/mist your flowers.

Crystal Intake

Active Member
ew thats nasty sorry to c that bro. cut it clean it dry it smoke it. stick an extra fan in there blowing right on the buds.


Well-Known Member
well the guy who originally told me to check the bud for mold suggested I harvest all the larger buds now and possibly even the entire thing since handling moldy buds releases spores into the air making it even more prone to mold....im going to chop the whole thing now...im so sad


Active Member
Just be careful. I don't have to be a doctor to know that breathing spores is not the best thing for youre lungs.

I know we always do, but even anthrax has a safe dose.


Well-Known Member
luckily today as I left work I bought my supplies I needed to build my bud dryer. Im thinking however oll put the buds I suspect are good in there, and the ones I cut the mold off of in a seperate place, to try to avoid much more mold contamination....for my bud dryer I did it very cheap, I am on a very tight budget. I spent $10.30 because I already had a small fan already. What I am doing is because I dont have a spot to dry with good ventilation thats dark. So I have a tote, poultry fence, a small walmart fan, and some hopefully non moldy weed.....I cut the poultry fence so its a few inches wider than the tote and make a couple shelves and ill lay my buds on them. The fan is cut into the side of the tote, and ill just keep the lid unlocked so it gets exhaust, and when no one is in that particular room ill just shut the lights off and take the lid off.

So I started typing this then stopped to smoke with my gf before she went to work, then I decided to cut the plant lol so here is my harvest besides the entire branch connected to that moldy bud, I figured Id take care of the good part first before I spread any more spores....



Active Member
Sounds like you ae doing the best you can with what happened.

Hope she smokes well for you.

Adn look forward to your next mommie..


Well-Known Member
ah man what a kick in the pants to see that happen to you. you learned something for next time though, still hope you end up satisfied with your yield and it's smoke!


Well-Known Member
well I am already satisfied with the smoke (i already sampled :) ) and its better then anything I can buy around here. The yield I am sure suffered, I just finished trimming away all the mold on my big cola and I probably just lost half of it, the other half is drying seperatly from the rest of the buds. Here are some pictures I took after trimming. Took me about an hour and a half haha you can tell im a newb at that too.

The seperate bud pictures, one is of the cola that didnt get any mold in the middle (i checked) and the other one is where I cut the bigger cola off, and seperated it away from the rest.



did it smell funny or anything? did it look like mold from the outside thats so odd you coudlnt see tell tale signs, did you have a fan on your plants at all times? my humidity is at 50-60 lower 50s in the day but still thats very weird


Well-Known Member
Damn dude I wish I would have gotten here sooner but there is a product I recalled to use on mold that will stop the growth all together and kill it without harming you or your plants. I remember seeing someone postingthe product and showing the results. On the flip side you got a decent amount of smoke so your good anyway.


Well-Known Member
did it smell funny or anything? did it look like mold from the outside thats so odd you coudlnt see tell tale signs, did you have a fan on your plants at all times? my humidity is at 50-60 lower 50s in the day but still thats very weird

Nope didnt notice any different smells then I had previously smelled. Could not see the mold from the outside of the bud. I checked my plant countless times everyday, why wouldn't I? It was my first grow lol The only reason I suspected mold was because a guy named veggiegardner on planetskunk told me I'd probably have mold because of a picture I posted that just had one dead fan leaf and the rest were healthy. Here we go I just found the pictures, you can obviously see the leaf in question, and sure enough she was all nasty inside....:(



actually i can kinda tell that the plant has an infection from the outside, if u look at ur pic just look right in the middle it starts to brown where its all green u can kinda see the mold coming up through, did u leave fans on running when the lights were off and stuff? 50 or 60 percent humidity just doesnt seem high enough without other causes to make mold


Active Member
shit feel for you bro,, it will be ok you will see a snip here and their no more mold,,, then butane that mold

nice hunny


Well-Known Member
bagseed. And if the mold came from an outside source then hopefully me cleaning the walls of my closet will help prevent future problems. Yes the fan is left on during the dark cycle, should they not be?