I might be in denial, please tell me it's not a male!


Active Member
This plant is sending me more mixed signals than any girl I've ever dated. This is my first ever attempt at growing and I have no clue what this plant is! Its got balls...(but I hoping I'm just seeing things and they're actually something else...) and this plant LOOKS like it has a pistil....I just need a clear cut answer....

male? female? herm?



Well-Known Member
it's a male. you circled what will beome a side branch if it continues to grow. it's not pistils, it's new leaf tips. it's a male and nothing more.


Well-Known Member
Male and by the look at your picture one of the pods have opened get it out you probebly allready have pollen in your grow room in in dought gt it out.No sorry i thought i saw one of the pods open but there still young you have just caught it in time get it out


Well-Known Member
Male and by the look at your picture one of the pods have opened get it out you probebly allready have pollen in your grow room in in dought gt it out.No sorry i thought i saw one of the pods open but there still young you have just caught it in time get it out
No question i'm afraid, and yes thats not a pistil just a young shoot forming. Unlucky dude!


Well-Known Member
wow thats a cool, oddly coool little plant but even if you had a girl from the looks of it youd get about a bowl off it. anyway can you post a pic of the whole plant? is that just a branch or somerthin


Active Member
If you have females int he grow room get it out... If not id probably try to at least make some hash or oil from it just for the sake of it


Well-Known Member
sorry man its a male but try more at one time to increase your odds or if you have the money buy feminised seeds.
Still its your first time growing a lot of begginers find it hard to get past the stage where the plant is very small.

Good Luck next time


Active Member
sorry man its a male but try more at one time to increase your odds or if you have the money buy feminised seeds.
Still its your first time growing a lot of begginers find it hard to get past the stage where the plant is very small.

Good Luck next time
yea it's serious...i've been growing this little bastard since January! i had it growing with another one but it died. it started off as a curiousity and then i just...really started to care about it you know...i'll see if on of my friends wants him cause i dont want to deal with it....i'm germinating two seeds now.

i'm growing it with miracle grow potting soil.