I need a new light


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I need a more powerful light, for sure. Any recommendations? How big of a HID would I need for this LITTLE area? Not very big huh? 2x 100w MH? 1x 175w MH? I really have no clue.

Bigger 4 are almost 2 weeks old, smaller 4 are barely a week.

This is my grow space, sorry for they crappy photoshoppin, but measurments are accurate.. or atleast they were when I put the mylar up.



Well-Known Member
No one?

I have been looking into 150w HPS floodlight fixtures.. is this enough light for my space? I think max would be 250w HPS... right? I was also thinking maybe 2x 100w or 2x 150w HPS.

If I do get a HID I will turn the tubes upright and tack them to the wall so my plants get light on the side.


Well-Known Member
first off those sprouts are not marijuana second even a 150 watt bulb will be hot but thats about all i would use in that small box


Well-Known Member
Hehehehe...whatever he's growing.

An hps would be nice put you don't have any way to vent the air out (for an air cooled hood). So that is out. Go to FAQ and check out some of the other grow box designs. I believe they are listed under growing indoors.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you can use a HID light in that small of a box.A lot of heat to exhaust out of the box.I would use cfls,the 125 or 150 watt,they dont get hot like HID lights.Or the T5s' will work in that small space too. Peace


Well-Known Member
So I decided cfl was better then my two 24" 6500k
daylight tubes that produced 2100 lumens together.

I went to wal-mart and scored 8 6500k Daylight CFLs for $24 and some change. They were 4 something for a pack of 2.. I am looking on the internet here and only 1 for 7 bucks and change. So I now have 12800 lumens making my babies grow, hope it works out better.

I'll get some pics when my camera has battery.