I need a stealth idea


Well-Known Member
I need a stealth grow box idea for indoors so i can continue to grow over the winter without other people living in the house to know i'm growing. Don't worry i don't live with my parents like the rest of these kids trying to grow in their room without their parents knowing. Its actually my gf. I'm growing outside right now and shes ok with that but only if its away from the house, but i want to continue over the winter time too but i can't think of what to use as a grow box that she would never think to look at or in. ANY IDEAS????


Well-Known Member
I don't want to really buy one of those. They don't even look like a computer. they look like some old ancient piece of shit. Anyone could pick one of those out. i already have a laptop so why would i want some ancient "computer" i need something that is a little more domestic


New Member
if you cant buy a cabinet or have a closet old big box stereo work there can be heat issues but you can always fix them


Well-Known Member
i guess you'd probably have to gut the stereo too eh?? or are you thinkin speaker? I oculd buy cabinet i mean money is no issue its the stealth aspect of it. What do people automatically want to do when they see a cabinet (especially ppl looking for something)? They want to open it. A speaker might work i think, does the intake have to be coming from outside or can it just be inside air from in my house??


New Member
speaker and yeah youd have to gut it im not sure how to do the intake when i had been looking for ideas its just something i came across i ended up just using a cabinet in my closet


Well-Known Member
If you have to hide what you're doing, you're with the wrong person. End of story. Life is too short.


Well-Known Member
that a perfect idea for something to be kept in the garage. It would be like a storage cabinet for "tools" and such. I don't have a garage however but am planning on moving. I am slowly in the process of convincing her to let me bring it indoors for the winter. I'm really considering thespeaker idea cause i think it would be a good one.


Well-Known Member
i'm not hiding it fomr her really she already knows i do it she doesn't like it growing in the house. Not hiding that i grow just keeping it in the house for winter.

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
That's not fair to her. If you did get caught, she'd be in just as much trouble, so unless you can get her to go along with it, I don't think you should. Unfair.


Well-Known Member
For one nobody gets caught around here for 5 plants or less. This is bc. its the bud capital of canada. Pretty much impossible to get busted unless you are a commercial grower 2nd only i would get in trouble casue my name is on the lease

Leilani Garden

Well-Known Member
Sorry, that doesn't sound good enough for me. If you're doing something that she strongly disapproves of, then it's time to reevaluate the whole thing.

And if you're saying that it hardly ever happens or it's highly unusual, still, that leaves her open to trouble as well. I don't know what the laws are, but it just seems like common sense that anyone living in the home would be at least suspect. At least.

What you are contemplating is unfair.


New Member
ok, get a dresser, cut out the drawers, glue on the fronts of the drawers, light seal the inside with mylar and tape, clear of foil, get a good compact fluorescent. pop off the back of the dresser and install hinges on one side and a latch on the other side so you can open it, then cut holes in the top and bottom of the back door and install the fans, the bottom one blowing air in, the top one blowing air out through a carbon filter.

sounds to me like she just doesn't want to see it or have others see it.