I need advice fast.


Active Member
The nightmare came true. 4:30 am, I just happen to go upstairs in my house for a beverage, when I see a cop at my door. He sees me so I cant turn and go back downstairs.

I had 6 plants growing in a closet in my basement. I went to the door and hoped it was for some other reason, I answered the door and the cop says that he is responding to a 911 call and needs to come in and look around. I say everyone is sleeping, and that he need not come in. He is persistent with his questions, and tells me that sometimes a messed up phone line can accidetally call 911. I try to explain that our phone line may be messed up and that everything is ok. He then says, is that marijuana I smell?

I immediately go into defense mode, and reply "no". He flat out asks me, do you have marijuana in the home? I reply no. He says its policy that he must walk around my home at 4:30 am in response to the 911 call. I ask" Do you have a warrant?" He replies with "Do I need one?".

He then tries to calm me down and says... "now listen, Im not gonna care if you have a lil pot in the house."

I was so paranoid that I gave in, I said yes sir I do have pot. He then came in and said, now if you have plants growing its a different story. I figured I was already in trouble and he will for sure find my plants which were easily seen if he walked into the basement. So I complied and followed every thing he asked of me. He found all of my pipes and smoking devices, called for backup and took me off to jail.

I was released later that day due to a warrant pending...

Im 22, I live at home with my mother, and grew pot without her knowing, and am worried what will happen, this is my first offense for anything.

I know I will be arrested again and charged with some type of cultivation or manufactoring charge.

I just wanted some free smoke. I never planned on making any profit. Im new to growing, in fact, im new to smoking too, but since the death of my father in Feb. I have smoked almost everyday to cope with the pain. Now Im in some deep shit. Please help, what do I do?

Also, can anyone tell me what is my most likely punishment?


Well-Known Member
Get an attorney immediately, someone who deals with pot busts. Make sure he knows you asked for a search warrant. Don't say ANYTHING to the police without your attorney present. I'll send a link to a movie for you when I find it.


Well-Known Member
you gave your self up bro never let them in without a warrant, at least they might go easy on ya cause ya was so co-operative.


Well-Known Member
Punishment depends on where in the world you live, but for only 6 plants shouldn't be too bad... I'd say the worst part would be the fact your mother didn't know you were growing, coz if its her house, she can get in more trouble than you. But 6 plants shouldn't be much of a punishment.
Sorry to hear about your father mate, thats harsh.
Only answer what you're asked, you do not have to say anything you don't want to, and if they ask if you made profit or anything, obviously say, no. (you don't have to say anything other than 'no sir/ma'am'

See the mistake was letting him come in ... Not really your fault tho, cops are good at making it sound like you have to let them in, but really they have to have a warrant to enter the door and unless you are under arrest or they have a warrant, you don't have to let them in and you can politely ask them to leave and close the door. Unless they get a warrant for a search or for your arrest, they can't do anything about it.
But a cop yelling shit at you often makes that a hard thing to do, especially if your young.


Well-Known Member
herbose has a good point about the attorney ... See if they had have searched your house without permission and without a warrant, then anything they found would have had to be voided in court and therefore they'd have no evidence if you got rid of everything before they came back with a warrant.


stays relevant.
Should've made that cop eat doorknob. 911 call my ass. Sounds like one of your neighbors doesn't digg you too much. Good luck bud. Oh yeah, after you get the info you need, clear out your browsers cache. Download crapcleaner from CCleaner - Home and run it frequently so no logs are stored on usage of this website or others.


Well-Known Member
you should of kicked him in the knee caps and then sufficated him with your hard knob .... but that really sucks arse that theres one less grower in the world :(


Well-Known Member
Well all us growers who are still going strong should grow twice as much pot to make up for all those busted growers and say fuck the pot busting police and fuck the ignorant government! ... Ignorance got pot outlawed in the first place, and its the only thing keeping it outlawed.


Well-Known Member
norml has alot of things that will help you
they can help you find a lawyer. also look at the state by state laws and that should help you figuring out your punishment. you shouldnt have let him in. always say no. if he had a right to be in your house he wouldnt have asked permission.


Well-Known Member
I just dont see why they bust someone who is growing to help to have a good time enjoy his life and is getting busted when there are murderes , paedophiles and iraqis in the world ... jokes about the last one ... the cops should leave all the grow for myself people alone .


Active Member
I live in [or close to] St Louis, Mo... I spoke with a lawyer personally yesterday and he says that givin my circumstances, I'll most likely be givin like 5 years felony probation. Meaning if I fuck up in 5 years, then Im going to be in jail instead for 5 years.

Well, last night, I went home... had a buddy come over and we smoked a blunt of KB in my driveway... and something happened to me that is going to change my life forever... please read.

My paranoia started to hit me as soon as the high kicked in, and it was bad this time... instead of thinking about the normal shit that I do when I am high, I could not stop focusing on the fact that my heart was beating abnormally fast. It was beating fast, its not that I THOUGHT it was, it was beating so hard that I could feel each pump in my veins. Then I made the mistake of thinking that I may be having a heart attack, Im only 22 so I didnt think this was possible.

Can you imagine being high, and literally having a heart attack? It seemed as if I were more conscious of it and only making it worse with my extreme paranoia.

I honestly, thought I was going to die right here in my room. I thought how shitty this was going to be for the people I left behind. My mom was going to find me in bed dead the next morning and I started to cry thinking about it. My girlfriend who has stuck by my side through thick and thin and who I love more than anything, will be devostated.

I found myself laying in bed sweating, shaking, and literally fearing for my life... when I said outloud to myself a prayer to my recently deceased father, I said, if you can hear me, please help me, I dont want to die.. I need to stay here.

Thats when it happened, I found Jesus last night. Heres what I mean. I kept thinking that If I were really having a heart attack I need to calm down and let my heart rest. So I tried to find a position that would calm me down, the only position that worked was on my back looking upwards with my legs crossed for warmth, arms out for circulation and I had to take all the weight off of my heart so I didnt drown my heart in my own blood. The position I found myself was the same position that Jesus lay nailed to the cross.

I almost died last night, for real. Heart attack is a major threat in my country and im not sure of the stats but I know it kills alot. Thats why Im quitting smoking for good.


Well-Known Member
You found Jesus ... O shit, I didn't even know I was supposed to be looking for him.

Mate, sounds like you just had a bad buzz ... Imagine that 100 times worse, and that's what a bad trip is like from shrooms or LSD ... Coz when your tripping you actually see shit too.
That was just your paranoia making you think like that... for a start, it's not possible for your heart to drown in your own blood. Being high makes your heart rate increase, and focusing on it would just amplify the effect in your head.
Usually if you get a bad buzz, the easiest thing to do is just close your eyes and go to sleep, that'll slow your heart rate down and you'll wake up clear headed.

That's my view on it anyway, but it's your life, so do what you think is best for yourself and those around you.


Active Member
03SALEEN: Jesus ain't so bad but keep things in perspective. You had an anxiety attack. The fact that you've had one means that you may have another, especially with the level of stress you're under. They don't kill you.

It may not seem like it now; but some day you'll look back on this as being not so bad. If you have health care, look into a few appt's with a psychotherapist. You're carrying a heavy load with the bust and your father. You need to learn a few skills to cope with all this. I wish you the best.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think the laywer could pull up the phone records and least see if there was a 911 call placed? I know it's probably too little too late but they shouldn't be alowed to use that as an excuse. I could see if he was commiting some terrible act or if his mom called from her bedroom due to a heart attack etc.


Active Member
Damm hard way to learn. You don't have to talk to the Police. You don't have to let them in your home without a warrant. It would have been better to let " Dear ole Mom" answer the door. When she told the donut eater, there is not problem here, he would have been on his way.

Get a lawyer, keep your mouth shut, review who you pissed off lately. Have the lawyer get a copy of the 9-1-1 tape / log immediately. If the donut eater went to the wrong address or there was no 9-1-1 call, you will beat it. Kill the reason for being there & everthing else falls to dust.

If your going to grow, shame on you for doing it in Mom's house. If the shit hits the fan, be a Man and take your lump. Don't let Mom suffer from your mistake.

Go to a head shrinker, get him to prescribe some pills for stress & anxiety. Take them if you want, or don't. It will help later. Consider is a cheap investment in a better defense.

Sorry, about your Dad. I lost mine a few years ago. I'm much older than you & it hit me pretty hard. I imagine loosing one at your age, is a MF.

Grow outdoors, away from home and sleep much better at night.


Well-Known Member
Dude I really hope you check this thread again.

First off-get a different attorney. This is a fight that you can win.

The poster that said about the 911 record is correct. This is obtainable, and an attorney can get the transcripts from the said night. If there was NOT a call placed from your residence, ALL charges will have to be dropped. Period, no 'ifs' 'ands' or 'buts', they will be dropped. If a 911 call was placed from your residence you can still beat this. You have a 4th amendment right that is in serious question of being violated.

Get another attorney, and fight this. YOU WILL WIN.

Take it easy, don't stress. I know this is hard and I feel for you. Do your best to keep calm.