I need advice, help, and tips on growing outdoors

I plan on growing bag seeds outdoors in kentucky or virginia. I'm going to germinate all of them and then plant them in the ground. I'm probably not going to use fertilizers or anything. So would they be good growing on their own? I can visit them 2-4 times a week but I want to try to visit them as little as possible to avoid making trails and avoid detection. It rains pretty good here every summer.


Active Member
2-4 times a week is beyond what you would need to visit them. once a week and you should be able to get things manageable and nice. even one visit a week will leave a small trail so make sure you have a good local.
how come no fertilizers? i would at the very least use some slow release ferts and mix them with your soil and find a good bloom fert for flower.
plants will do just fine on their own. your biggest issues would probly be pests while young and your lack of wanting to fertilize.
if i were you i would keep reading on this site and possibly buy a decent gardening book, i like cervantes"grow bible" or named something like that.


Active Member
and when planting outdoors big holes with good soil, ammendments and lots of sun= big healthy plants come harvest time


dig 3 or 4 foot holes churn soil good it puts plenty of nitrogen into the soil and mix in slow release fert and problems with pests put little chicken wire made cages 4 or 5 inches high around bottom of plants to keep rabbits and small animals away as for deer I heard urine near ur plants and scent of humans will keep deer away


Active Member
using urine does work some to keep deer away but what works a little better is predator urine. it can be bought at any gun store out my way as trappers use it for some reason? baiting things i'm guessing.
coyote, fox or wolf urine costs about $7-10 for about a pint all you need is a half oz of liquid spread near each plant just while they are small, under 2 1/2 ft or abouts. it is worth the small investment.