I need ADVICE on how to control my reservoir temps?

Garcia Vega

Active Member

I have a nice closet set-up, but I could use some advice on ways to keep my hydro reservoir temps in check.

I am currently keeping the room temp between 73F - 79F with an office fan.

Any tricks of the trade would be great


Well-Known Member
at that temp your res is fine for ebb @ flow, but wrapping your res in reflective insulation it will drop a couple of degrees


New Member
try freezing some 16 oz soda bottles filled with water that will drop temps but its a chore to keep up with

Garcia Vega

Active Member
Thanks a lot bra bra, I have been told that mold can grow above 72F so I was worried. I also had some mold issues, which caused me to freak out and question my reservoir temps.
But if you say its golden it should be I guess. I will cover it with reflective ducktape.


Thanks bra I bought some camping ice packs and I have been rotating them into the water. I just wasn't sure if this would cause shock to the roots if they glide across ice cold temps?


New Member
i used the bottles and put them in empty net pot hole with a string to keep away from roots
sometimes we just got to rig something up

Thanks a lot bra bra, I have been told that mold can grow above 72F so I was worried. I also had some mold issues, which caused me to freak out and question my reservoir temps.
But if you say its golden it should be I guess. I will cover it with reflective ducktape.


Thanks bra I bought some camping ice packs and I have been rotating them into the water. I just wasn't sure if this would cause shock to the roots if they glide across ice cold temps?

Garcia Vega

Active Member
hahaha Rigging is what we do best
good look I will try this out and see if I can save these ladies, if not I will know better next time and I am ordering some Auto Beans so it will be mine from the start.
No worries about if it came from the mother of the clones


New Member
i seriously dropped my high temps with this simple fix

hahaha Rigging is what we do best
good look I will try this out and see if I can save these ladies, if not I will know better next time and I am ordering some Auto Beans so it will be mine from the start.
No worries about if it came from the mother of the clones

Garcia Vega

Active Member
I am pretty sure I got root rot and the little girls have locked up, but all of this advice will help me the next time.
I am gonna try one last time with this Hydro-Setup and then I am going back to soil.

Thanks Fabfun you have been helpful.

Garcia Vega

Active Member
Have converted to soil and had super great results… 2 successful runs with old mother nature and a lot of super funk
try hydro/aero ponics later on in my life I guess...