I Need Advice Plz!!!


Active Member
Im new to this and i want to grow "tomatos" but i need help with Making a plan. i dont really know anything about it.
I know some what and did research.
I find seeds in my bud all the time.
plz help :) advice or anything helps.


Well-Known Member
Im new to this and i want to grow "tomatos" but i need help with Making a plan. i dont really know anything about it.
I know some what and did research.
I find seeds in my bud all the time.
plz help :) advice or anything helps.

Start by buying a pack of quality beans! the bag seed will be full of hermies...



Well-Known Member
Start by buying a pack of quality beans! the bag seed will be full of hermies...

not necessarily i planted 6 seeds from my bud, got 2 males 4 females.....3 females got sucked into a fan...and now i have 1 female..but it was all bagseed! no hermies! just dont use schwag seed


Well-Known Member
It's the guy's first grow... Bag seed comes from a plant that hermied somewhere the traits will come out if he stresses the plants (which he will the first time) so he doesn't end up with seeds the first run he could get something stable... more success rrate for newbie... I've popped bag seed before also to get a certain genetic... but only extreme cases



Well-Known Member
I don't think all bag weed is hermies i got a nice little female growing from bagseed and i only germed one seed.


Active Member
what about a basic grow room.
I decided to sprout the seeds sometime this week.
my friend decided to help me out but we both know alittle
but hey, you gotta start some some how


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum I am new here too! Everyone here is really nice and very helpful!
i think all 37 of your posts say this exact line..... it's funny.

anyway, i suggest doing a bit more research first before starting. also, I"ve got bagseeds right now, I got 2 males, 1 female, and 3 hermies. all seeds were from good bud, not shwag. you can get a good female from bagseeds though so I'm not sayin to not use them. either way I would do some more research if your asking about basic setups.