I Need advice urgently...?


hi, please can anyone help. i am not a grower, but i have been asked to mind a blue cheese plant in an emergency (owner was raided). i just need to try and keep it alive and healthy but i have no idea how to do that and i cant ask the owner and i dont know anyone else, plus im a bit nervous of word getting out that i have it. Anyway i need plain and simple info, as i have been on a few sites and all the terminology is confusing me. i need to know what to buy for feed, what light to buy, and how much light and dark it needs. okay the plant: its about 3 ft tall and 2 ft wide. i have had it for a week. its in a cupboard with two 100 watt bulbs and a fan. its still alive, looks okay and yesterday it started sprouting what i think are the beginning of buds, like fine creamy wispy things. i have only given it tap water. please no one shout at me or be rude like the last site. i know the light bulbs are wrong type and it needs more than tap water,, but thats why im asking you guys as i am not equipped for this and need to know what to buy and as economical as poss as i havent budgeted for this at all, and all the equipment i reading about looks really expensive ? All i kno for def is the plant was originally a cutting taken around middle of march and its meant to be ready in october. please help if you can. thank you loads. sarah


Ursus marijanus
Step 1 is, what kind of 100-watt bulbs? If incandescent, prepare for rapid plant death. Please substitute at once with the highest-power CFLs (compact fluorescents) you can get. Be advised, don't even look at "watts equivalent" for lighting purposes, but actual watts. You'll need 200 to 300 actual watts of good growing light in your space. More later, cn


Well-Known Member
Get some cfl's. I assume that you are giving it 24 hr light. I would give it at least 18 hrs and let it continue to veg if your friend is going to be reclaiming it anytime soon. It kind of depends on your time frame. If he's going to be taking it back soon, don't bother with feeding. If your in for the long haul get some MG organic liquid fertilizer and give it a half strength dose. You need a 150w hps if you're going to flower it. Either that or a bunch of cfl's.


Well-Known Member
If it wasn't meant to be ready until October obviously your friend was planning on growing it outdoors. Get some CFL's like the others said,some Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and Fox Farms trio of nutrients, Grow Big Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom. Follow the feeding schedule and water with ph adjusted water when the pots feel light.That's it in a nutshell hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
yea more info would be nice ...

but if you have to babysit for a long time you will as a minumum need some better light (a clf of cheap T8 tubes from wallmart can keep it allive)

and you need to controle your tap water (get a PH test kit at fist and check your tap water and see if you have high or low PH .. need 6,5 PH for weed)

and atlest some "normal" cheap nutriens high on N from your local flowershop (ask for tomato nutriens)

keep the light on 24/7 and some kind of fan/ventilation/fresh air ..

then you could keep it allive for a year or two as Ppl. do with mothers Im sure ... but more info would be good ..


Well-Known Member
Light needs on 18hours. Unless you are trying to flower. Then it would be 12 hours. And if you don't want to spend alot of money on food. And your not going to keep it that long. Go get some tamato food. The granular stuff not mirical grow. And without knowing anything of the plant I would think the soil would have food for another week. Sprinkle some on top of the soil weekly and water with tap every 2 or 3 days depending on how long it takes to dry out. Don't over water.
With how long ago you said it was laid down, i would imagine its ready for flowering. Either way, focus on your watering and light patterns. Light, 18 on 6 off (if vegetation, which means its not flowering (budding)), otherwise, 12 on 12 off (if it IS ready for flowering). Make sure you water around the BASE of the plant. Dont pour it all over it. Some drops of water CAN act as a magnifying glass, burning the plants foliage (leaves). Keep your watering constant in amount, and try to water it at the same time everyday so you dont mess up the patterns. Since you are using tap water, have some sitting out 1-2 days in advance prior to using it. This can help will evaporation of chlorine in the water. The whispy things by the way are hairs. Congratulations its a girl! Try doing some reading on the newbie forums for simple questions. Spend a couple hours reading and even taking some notes. Writing is good for memory and learning as it helps "save" that information is a different part of your brain than just seeing.