I Need an Excuse!


Active Member
Hey guys, to some of you this might be a waste of time, and I'm sorry.

Okay, so the only place i smoke weed in my house is my basement, where I am during the day, and then up to my bedroom at night.

I want an excuse to tell my mom why i want to sleep in the basement tonight, haha i know this is pretty stupid.

But i really want to get baked tonight and i cant in my room, so what would you guys tell ur parents if you wanted to sleep in the basement? or w.e? and i have school so i cant say that i wanna watch a movie or something haha. thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
lmfao just smoke outside or put a fan on and a towel at the bottom of the door.
AC also gets rid of the weed smell good.


Active Member
because it's cooler down there. Another option, get about a 3 foot long hose and a smokeless pipe. Put said hose down into toilet, make sure it goes in about 18 inches, no less than a foot, if it bubbles when you blow into it, not deep enough. When you can blow through it and not make bubbles, congrats, light said smokeless pipe, take HUGE hit (don't cough) blow smoke through hose into your plumbings vent system, which leads to the roof and into the open air, OUTSIDE. This is how I used to get baked at work. And remember, NEVER suck on the hose. :-P

P.S. if you save the hose for future use, make sure you don't use the wrong end. If you do, I suggest Tic Tacs, LOTS of Tic Tacs.


Well-Known Member
tell her you plan to have a violent masturbation session that you dont want anyone close to hear you. tell her internet porn and sears catalogs are not cutting it anymore and you need to "spice it up". if she doesn't get up and walk away and continues to talk about it then she probably dont give a damn what you do down there. in either case...wink at her...walk away...go get high on your pinner joint...cover up with your power rangers blanket...and have a good evening.

Mort Fink

New Member
don't tell her anything, tell her tomorrow you passed out in the basement watching tv or listening to music.


Well-Known Member
Switch a fan on directed out of the window and take huge tokes out of your pipe (if you don`t have a pipe, then make a tinfoil pipe, youtube helps.) You must make the hits so they are one lungfull and nothing burns up in the air. Get some red eye relief eye drops too. Place some wank wipes and vaseline on your bed and act very embarassed if she knocks on the door and you have to answer. Keep some chewing gum or mouthwash handy. Blow the smoke in a way that it won`t brush on your face too, straight out the window.

If you can do all this and still enjoy your high, congratulations you succeeded :D


Active Member
why not just sneak down or even smoke out your window with a wet towel by the door. ahhh to be young again


Well-Known Member
I`m assuming his 18+, but even if hes not might as well give him advice, his going to get high regardless of what :D

Tinfoil pipe dude, youtube.