I need an idea....

Alright, so...about 3 months ago, I had a bad trip on spice and had to go to the hospital etc. But, the other night I smoked some regular mid grade weed and I honestly thought I was going to have a seizure. My muscles were like spazzing throughout my body, I could feel my heart racing bad, feel my blood pumping throughout my body, warm skin, etc. I didn't like it all. I thought I was going to have to go the ER. But I eventually laid down and passed the fuck out. I had taken around a 4 week tolerance break and this was my 2nd time smoking in 4 weeks. I also used a Juicy Jay blunt wrap for the first time. Scared the fuck out of me man

My question is...what do you guys think went wrong/happened?? Could you have flashbacks from jwh-018 like you do acid/lsd??? Could have it been a reaction to the wrap??


You had a panic attack. Do you have any anxiety problems when you're not high? I'd say it was probably caused from smoking too much and/or the weed was more potent than you thought. You said your tolerance was low from taking a 1 month break which doesn't help. I guarantee if you smoked 1/4 of what you did, you wouldn't have experienced any of these symptoms.

I highly doubt it was a reaction from JWH-018 or your blunt wrap. Weed and JWH-018 can both intensify anxiety and paranoia which can lead to a panic attack. Don't smoke as much next time, and make sure you're relaxed and in a positive mindset and environment beforehand. I don't think you have anything to worry about. You could always try a different strain as well.


Well-Known Member
Handle your shyt & stop wasting time in the Hospital.
Alright, so...about 3 months ago, I had a bad trip on spice and had to go to the hospital etc. But, the other night I smoked some regular mid grade weed and I honestly thought I was going to have a seizure. My muscles were like spazzing throughout my body, I could feel my heart racing bad, feel my blood pumping throughout my body, warm skin, etc. I didn't like it all. I thought I was going to have to go the ER. But I eventually laid down and passed the fuck out. I had taken around a 4 week tolerance break and this was my 2nd time smoking in 4 weeks. I also used a Juicy Jay blunt wrap for the first time. Scared the fuck out of me man

My question is...what do you guys think went wrong/happened?? Could you have flashbacks from jwh-018 like you do acid/lsd??? Could have it been a reaction to the wrap??
oh sorry that i was goddamn unresponsive and unconscious you stupid asshole. I had no other choice but go to the hospital


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking panic attack You had a bad experience with the spice, and while I wouldn't call it a flashback, it could have made you more paranoid, which in turn caused more anxiety, which..fuck it, you see where this is going. I don't think you have to much to worry about. Just remind yourself that your only smoking weed, no spice is involved, and nothing can be wrong and calm down, you'll be allright.


Well-Known Member

Watch that video when your baked and having an anxiety attack and you'll feel soo much better.:wall:
You'll be a stoner in no time bongsmilie:mrgreen::eyesmoke::cool:
And you'll be :roll: at the next person thats scared to smoke.

Imo since weed is a psycho-active drug you gotta form habbits that will help you.
Learn to slow down your heart rate first and your on the right path to calming down when you smoke weed.

Also make sure to eat healthy, sleep right, exercise ect...


Active Member
september 2011...
2 posts...

you are either starting to smoke good weed, or you are just freaking out on weed and can't keep your cool
you are probably the kind of kid that starts saying "omg im so high bla bla bla" then puke and pass out and be a complete pain 4 everyone


Well-Known Member
He's probably the kind of kid that is just having trouble finding the right buds, and came to the right site

Its all mental, life is mental. Death is mental, everything is 100% mental. Just trust yourself and smoke some beautiful delicious nugs that makes your mouth water just from the smell. Smoking shouldn't be dis-pleasurable, it shouldn't taste like crap and be hard to hit. Blunts are pretty intense for a four week break.

Buy yourself a cheap, GLASS smoking device, and take your time.

There is no rush to smoke, inhale - pause - exhale, breathe deeply, taste the smoke, enjoy it.

As soon as you start to enjoy and understand the SOP of smoking properly, the giggles, munchies, and great ideas will surely and shortly follow.

spice and weed are nothing alike, so get that out of your head.

You don't need to go to the ER for smoking weed, I've smoked 8 gram stuffed(not cut or rolled) honey dutches of mids back in the day and never ended up in the ER... Just take an easy and take your time. You will find your happiness!


Well-Known Member
oh yeah,and stop smoking that poison, seriously.

spice-clusterfuck of poisonous chemicals, being set on fire and inhaled!

(LSD is the only chemical drug I suggest!)


Well-Known Member
I have to admit, I've almost called the police to get me to a hospital once.

Took 5 hits of some crazy strong acid and I broke out in a vicious sweet. Was having trouble breathing, lost my vision for like thirty minutes. thought I was sold some bleach and ammonia on a blotter or some shit. But the climax of the trip settled down, and I reminded myself people take acid every day and don't die. what do you know? still kicking, at least for now.

So I hope you don't think I'm being a dick, just trying to help another human that wishes to solve their toking woes.


Well-Known Member
Bad trips suck.
I dosed at Disneyland in the 80's and my chick wigged out. I had to baby sit her at the benches while everyone was having fun.:-(
LOL. I thought it was funny...:-P


Well-Known Member
ha! my girl wigged out at disneyworld in orlando. apparently it's difficult to understand not to fucking play bruno mars 8 times in a row while tripping. Apparently asking if she could turn it off or change it to another artist was not okay on her level of tripping/yager-crushing/stupidity.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, I was communicating with my girlfriend in the form of flashing lights.

I ain't no humbolt squid so I flipped out! thought I was dying!


Well-Known Member
Weed never causes any problems, it only makes them better. I think you had some kind of panic attack. Lame.