I need help badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Basically my friend has given me some nutrients for soil and i am not sure if what i have got in the picture
is enough to grow a healthy plant with nice buds i am going to grow a dwarf strain from seed and just needed
help thanks guys. View attachment 2771170 peace'n'pot


Well-Known Member
nice nutes and what he ^^^^^^^ said,Try not to give seedlings bottle A cause if they over dose on that and don't die you can almost guarantee mutation.


New Member
Should i just use that enzymes and superthrive at first ????
It takes 2months for the plant im going to grow to ,be ready
for harvest, thanks guys


Active Member
2 months assuming you mean an autoflower? nutrient dose depends on a few different factors for a beginner, first and foremost your medium and knowing what you have already; some soils come with nutrients already in them, aside from seedlings usually having enough stored energy to survive without nutes for a short period of time. For photos and my type of medium, other growers wait to feed after 2-3 weeks have past, or when the plant shows signs, cotyledons dieing off ect. For auto it may be a little more scaled ahead as they enter flowering faster, and generally finish faster considering photos can be kept in veg n trained ect.

I have not grown an auto myself as of yet, but they might be a little different when it comes to feeding schedule compared to photo. You will def want to keep things light, to be on safe side as recommended above, less is more. I will let someone help you on the nutes and what/how much to use specifically, not grown autos and only grown 3 plants so far in veg state so clueless as you are as to those brands ect. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Snake oil. Give it back and grow organic. I can already see problems brewing on the horizon with all that stuff you got there.


Well-Known Member

YouTube vid of subs supersoil. It will last you for several grows. I actually substituted the expensive store bought soils with composted manure from any nursery. The ground minerals like azomite are great amendments. Humid acid is another. Dolomite lime, azomite and humid acid are avail from amazon. If you don't skimp on soil most of the work is done. Just add water. The hydro store stuff looks good but believe me it doesn't stand up to a healthy organic living soil. You will be able to taste the difference. Need any more info on soil biology don't hesitate to ask.


Well-Known Member
Check out subcools super soil recipe. I don't know much about organic. I understand the concept, I just don't know which organics feed what nutrients. I think the easiest way for a noob at first would probably be mixing a good organic substrate and using that though. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
the only thing is it takes time to make so if i use what i've got now my next grow i can go organic
Yeah, I suppose. Just read up on what you have, and why you "need" to use it. A lot of these companies put out 10 different products that some companies put in 3-4 different products. For obvious reasons...