I need help by people who want to help


Well-Known Member
I placed three germinated seeds in solo cups, 12 days ago under at the time one 26w 6500k CFL all and in MG moisture control soil. I have been able to keep temps between 70-75 overall more like 75-80 beneath bulbs (plants height) I've tried to keep the RH around 50-60 typically near the 60's. At what I call a few days age I added another CFL bulb, a few days later I added two additional bulbs. Of course I adjusted height each time to ensure I was not cooking the plants.

The largest seedling has over ten sets of leaves and many sets forming beneath the exsisting sets and what appears to be a abundance of growth coming form the top of the "stalk" excuse my ignorance while the other two seedling are just a few sets behind. I think I should be concerned with root size soon so I have purchase a few larger pots and miracle grow organic soil. I know miracle grow is frowned upon but I WILL use it because I can not justify spending 20 on a bag of FF when MG is 5 I realize you get what you pay for BUT you have to realized I can't drop insane amounts of money to try something the first time?

I'm just looking for some actually input form people that want to help not trash talk the fact Im not made of money nor do I believe you must spend ample amounts of cash on everything in life.

Noob grower1

Active Member
Uh.. I don't use mg but I knw of it.. time realsed nutes.. just don't over water it. And might be a little hot for seedlings.. and what size pots are they in now?? And what are u putting them in? Pics? Hard to help when there's not details or having a direct question.


Well-Known Member
I apologize I got more concerned that it as going to a Miracle grow bashing thread. What do I need to know if I'm going to use miracle grow organic?


Well-Known Member
Havent figured out if it's even possible to post pictures from you phone. They are currently in solo cups, I have 8 qt pots readily available are those too small


Well-Known Member
Foxfarm is $10 where I live... if miracle grow is the issue I'd just keep an eye on the ph and plant response.


Well-Known Member
I think your mistake was using the MG soil at the wrong time. It's fine to grow on a budget and to use MG products, but next time buy MG Seed Starting Mix and grow with that for a month then transfer to the hotter potting mix with fertilizers. For now hold off feeding and only water (tap is fine) and wait to our see how they recover. You might get lucky.


Active Member
There's a lot of A personalities here...you just gotta filter out the debates between growers and absorb the information they provide. There's a lot of good advice and multitude of personal experience coming from these guys! don't take the disagreements that may appear on your threads personal - take the information within the comments and tailor it to your specific needs. You will enjoy the reads!


Well-Known Member
There is a thread I just seen, somebody posted with a title that resembled "Check out my grow, I'm going to shut up everyone who disses MG" yada yada. You may want to ask that guy for some advice. My opinion, don't ask people who use Foxfarm how you should go about using MG, there first response is going to most likely be negative. Go ask the guy who started the thread about using MG and ask him the best way to utilize it. Me personally, the very first grow I ever did was outside in the summer, I used MG. I didn't use nutes or anything like that, I wasn't aiming for a heavy yield or perfection. Threw a seed in the MG, and grew the plant. Turned out to be about 3 ft tall, and it was a male. But alas, my one experience with MG, it still grew, and it still looked very healthy.


Well-Known Member
Here's a cheap shopping list for next time:

1x bag of Miracle Gro Seed Starting Mix = $8
1x bag of Kellogg Patio Plus organic potting mix = $4
1x bag of Kellogg Organic All Purpose Fertilizer = $10

Before starting, pre soak the seed starting mix and allow it to drain for five minutes. Pre soak seeds for 3-5 minutes. Use one gallon or similar sized containers. You can use milk jugs, soda bottles, old food containers, etc. Make sure to cut holes for drainage. Fill container with seed starting mix and poke half inch hold. Drop seed and pinch hold closed. Immediately place under lighting or direct sunlight. If placed outside add protection from pests and monitor night time temperatures.

After three weeks or when root tips touch sides of containers (but ideally before roots poke out from bottom of container) transfer to larger container (20 gallon or more if outside) and fill with potting mix. Wait three to four weeks then add fertilizer, following directions on package for making a tea.

If Kellogg brand isn't available look for similar products like Epsoma.


New Member
MG moisture control is pretty good. Its all I use. I dont have time to mix 50 one gal pots worth of soil every month.. Dont buy the MG organic. It stays wayyy to wet. Unless you add perlite which you already stated you dont want to invest $20 for soil.. so stick with miracle grow moisture control and you will be fine.. good luck

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
MG moisture control is pretty good. Its all I use. I dont have time to mix 50 one gal pots worth of soil every month.. Dont buy the MG organic. It stays wayyy to wet. Unless you add perlite which you already stated you dont want to invest $20 for soil.. so stick with miracle grow moisture control and you will be fine.. good luck
Fucking AAAA! I've MG MC Soil for a couple of years now, with great results. A grower just needs to be careful with FERTS!!!!!!!!!! The 1 Rule I live by with this soil: NO FERTS UNTIL FLOWERING!


Well-Known Member
We dont have foxfarm here in canda so im growing with Sea Soil container gardening mix with perlite (1.2 0.3 0.05) i germed my seeds in it and there about a week old now looking super healthy. and it was only 9$ a bag

I wouldnt use MG mostly because of all the bad reviews ive heard. but im sure its fine to use if your careful with it. id recomend a better quality soil for your next grows, but if your happy with MG by all means use it


Well-Known Member
I placed three germinated seeds in solo cups, 12 days ago under at the time one 26w 6500k CFL all and in MG moisture control soil. I have been able to keep temps between 70-75 overall more like 75-80 beneath bulbs (plants height) I've tried to keep the RH around 50-60 typically near the 60's. At what I call a few days age I added another CFL bulb, a few days later I added two additional bulbs. Of course I adjusted height each time to ensure I was not cooking the plants. The largest seedling has over ten sets of leaves and many sets forming beneath the exsisting sets and ehat appears to be a abundance of growth coming form the top of the "stalk" excuse my ignorance while the other two seedling are just a few sets behind. I think I should be concerned with root size soon so I have purchase a few larger pots and miracle grow organic soil. I know miracle grow is frowned upon but I WILL use it because I can not justify spending 20 on a bag of FF when MG is 5 I realize you get what you pay for BUT you have to realized I can't drop insane amounts of money to try something the first time? I'm just looking for some actually input form people that want to help not trash talk the fact Im not made of money nor do I believe you must spend ample amounts of cash on everything in life.
I actually started my current plant in a solo cup, and counting from days since sprouting, she was showing signs of wanting a new home at day 14, but I had company and didn't transplant until day 21.
As soon as she got the new home, I fed 4 days later, and within 7 more days, she had doubled in size, from 5" to 10".
This is the third grow I am doing in ONLY MG moisture control..View attachment 2517055


Well-Known Member
Havent figured out if it's even possible to post pictures from you phone. They are currently in solo cups, I have 8 qt pots readily available are those too small
No they are not too small. You will find that increasing oplanter size gradually, rather than planting straightaway into the final container, will result in the root ball developing much quicker. In turn when the plants vegetation takes off it will be much denser.


Well-Known Member
There is a thread I just seen, somebody posted with a title that resembled "Check out my grow, I'm going to shut up everyone who disses MG" yada yada. You may want to ask that guy for some advice. My opinion, don't ask people who use Foxfarm how you should go about using MG, there first response is going to most likely be negative. Go ask the guy who started the thread about using MG and ask him the best way to utilize it. Me personally, the very first grow I ever did was outside in the summer, I used MG. I didn't use nutes or anything like that, I wasn't aiming for a heavy yield or perfection. Threw a seed in the MG, and grew the plant. Turned out to be about 3 ft tall, and it was a male. But alas, my one experience with MG, it still grew, and it still looked very healthy.
That was Jpeg666's thread.
Here's mine in moisture control with MG perlite too, germed in the stuff in the solo cup.feb4pic1_zpsaf6b03b2.jpg