i need help fellow stoneys, germinating


Active Member
well i put 2 seeds in a cup of water and i put one in a jar with no lid and a paper towel roll with a lil water but i got a bad feeling, i got 2 more seeds so i was wondering if you loyal smokers could assist me with some info as to what temperature the seeds should be in and maybe a idiot proof way to get them germinated, as of right now i got my setup good to go just waiting on seedlings! thanks dudes


Well-Known Member
Paper towels...

1) wet paper towel ( not dripping just damp)
2)Take seeds spread evenly on half of the paper towl
3) fold in half(or as many times as you need to make it fit on a small plate)
4) Place paper towel on small plate
5) place bowl on plate so no light enters- or put plate ontop of plate
6) Keep paper towl damp
7) Check every day or so
8) when a tap root apears grab seed with tweezers or very carfully with ur hands and be gental(dont touch the white tap roon
9) dig small hole in soil about the size of the seed and tap root
10) place seed in soil and cover with about 1cm of soil-TAP ROOT DOWN
11) keep soil DAMP..not wet..
12) once the seed pops out put light over

btw..im stoned and may be wrong on something but this always works for me....


Active Member
true...sounds good, it sounds along the lines of what seems to be a proven method the kelvins and n-p-k is easy compared to just geting your seed to germinate, one more thing should you have some water at the bottom of he plate or just a damp towel?


Well-Known Member
Ive had 100% success taking a seed, and placing it in a wet paper towel. Then I place the towel in a ziplock bag, airtight (with some air in it so the bag is inflated slightly) and place it on my cable box. Guaranteed germination unless you have bunk seeds. GL!


Active Member
ahhh looks like the seed cracked open n theres a lil root showing hopefully 2mrw its big enough to plant, any1 know how big it should be?