i need help!! first time grow


Active Member
this shit is crazy im not t ryna start ova again i think i got too i wonder if i can clone them take a look


Well-Known Member
this shit is crazy im not t ryna start ova again i think i got too i wonder if i can clone them take a look
Yes, you can clone those. In fact, you can salvage what you have.
I can't advise you on hydro....never gone that route. But I will tell you that Roseman has a thread where many post pictures/problems and help eachother out.
LOL, tell your wife she is banned from the grow area.


I will admit that I have never grown hydro myself, but a few friends in my circle swear by that route. I think I have seen enough with them to see your problem
From what I understand the point of hydro, besides exact nutrient balance, is to simulate flood/drought scenarios. when you flood your growing medium, it simulates a flood. As soon as the resevoir is drained, the growing medium drains, causing the roots to experience a drought. Supposedly this causes the plant to use its nuts to grow rapidly and search out water during drought time, and to soak in nutrients/water during flood time. This is why most hydro systems have you flood the resevoir multiple times a day, to grow plants that never run out of nutrients or water, but are constantly growing trying to seek them out.
Now the thing with your setup that alerts me is the soil. This soil will retain water longer than any standard growing medium (perlite/vermiculture). This will cause your plants to never really get the benifit of the drought period, while experiencing all the flooding throughout the day. This constant flooding without proper drainage will probably result in overwatering. I have had this problem in soil and cured it by waiting till the soil was bone dry to water.
For your situation, I would suggest getting rid of the soil and replace it with some other medium. Watching the ladies closely, hold out on a few flood cycles, till the plant seems to be drying out a little, then start your hydro cycle fresh, with fresh nuts (1/2 strength).
I don't see any need to abondon these ladies, especially this early. Overwatering, if stopped in time, is really insignificant to the overall picture. Remember above all, its a weed. You will always be suprised at how resiliant this plant is.