I Need Help in Trying to Support!


Well-Known Member
that cup growers in amsterdam use soil over hydro

for quality and taste competions

looking for dockumentation


Well-Known Member

not sure what your wanting to know here.

anyhow, I personally use all organics. Organic soil and organic nutrients.

Will be my first grow using all organics.. so I'm excited to see the difference.

I use to be stuck using nasty chemical ferts which were a pain the ass to flush out.. sometimes it was almost like it was impossible to get the nasty chem taste/smell out of the final product..

So yeah, I'm excited to see the difference in growth/smell and taste of the final product with using all organics.. compared to my past harvests and how they smelled/tasted/looked when using nasty chem. nutes..

But again, I'm not sure what your wanting here.. hopefully this helped?



Active Member
I don't think it is so much an argument as it is a fact these days that soil-grown tastes better. If you're growing personal, you should be using soil.


Well-Known Member
that cup growers in amsterdam use soil over hydro

for quality and taste competions

looking for dockumentation
The English on this site has gotten so bad I literally cannot understand what this guy is talking about.

And for the love of god, don't your phones have a spell check?

You can figure out how to get a pornographic .gif in your avatar but you cant spell Amsterdam, competitions or documentation? Not to mention, capitalize a letter or use any form of punctuation?



Well-Known Member
Ku, alot of peeps such as myself type as the way they talk in real life. why sweat it ? you shouldnt. im sure 98% of the peeps know what he is saying.......


Well-Known Member
Tragic you dont have to explain nutin

his opinion means nada to me

this is america freedom of everything and all things


to make things a little clearer i had a debate with a mate his point was hydro produces better grade of weed

my point was that soil produces the best results

but i could not find any proof to support my thery


mr Kulong (lol) thank you sir for your valuable input i will try to write like im doing a english paper from now on
once again thanks sir

most would be flamed by now not me means nutin (nothing) to me

good day may you have a room full of fat assed girls
may the grow gods smile upon your beans
1Luv Stay True

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Popular opinion and fact from my experience, soil taste better but hydro yields more and grows faster.