I need help, lime yellow color is forming on the top


Hi so I have this one clone that has a little problem. I've had this clone for almost over three weeks now and this just started about a few days ago and what's going on is at the top of the plant, there is a lime yellow color starting to form from the stem to the tips of the leaves and I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. Is there anyone that can help me and let me know how serious it is? I really want to solve this problem.



New Member
What are you feeding it? I'm assuming with it being three weeks that it has rooted. Prob in need of some basic N for veg IMO. Let us know what you are feeding though first, as it could always be too much of something too, peace.


Well I've been mixing a gallon of crystal geyser bottled water with a tiny amount of ocean minerals and then a couple tablespoons of this stuff:



Well-Known Member
You are burning the plant. Guano is hot.(strong) What soil are you using? No more guano for a long while. Just plain water for now.


Well-Known Member
Before you go too crazy trying to fix a possible nute problem, please remember new growth is always lighter green than established growth. Just sayin'.


Before you go too crazy trying to fix a possible nute problem, please remember new growth is always lighter green than established growth. Just sayin'.
right, but the only thing about it is there's yellow dots on the leaves so idk what that is

but I do appreciate everyone's diagnostics, I guess I have to water them with regular spring water and move the light up and hope that it reduces back to normal growth and perfectgrow I'm gonna look on the test kit too


When do you think I should feed them, week from now? Sorry this is my first grow and I really don't want this to be the reason why they die


Well-Known Member
Pic 3 is a Magnesium Deficiency
Pic 1-2 looks like a phosphorus deficiency Purple stems, leaf edges curling up. and an Iron deficiency.

IMO- You have a pH problem. Locking out nutrients. Don't use bottled drinking water. I think that's the root of your problem. Try Distilled water.
Your using hydroponics nutrients that are probably buffered. The NPK on that stuff isn't very much 0.05-0.10-0.02 "Organics"
Your using Fox Farm? Soil/Nutrients?
What's your Soils pH?


Well I haven't gotten a ph meter yet cuz I thought soil was easy cuz you didn't need to worry about ph but I'm gonna have to get one now lol I appreciate your feedback, so you think that will definitely help? Will turn back to it's regular color or is that permanent?


Well-Known Member
Pic 1-2 the problem is something that happened recently. The lower leafs look decent from what I can see. The new growth is really yellow. IMO your problem is getting worse.
IMO- Get some Cal/Mag, when your plants need water use distilled water or well water, and the Cal/Mag. Give your plants 2-3 doses when they need water. Don't over water. let your plants dry out between waterings.
Get a Soil Ph Meter. there pretty cheap.