I need help Pls, is my PH too high??


Active Member
Hey guys, these are my new seedlings about 10 days old! do they look normal? since yasterday i start to see some yellow spots on my seedlings! i did check my water PH and its about 7.0 " distilled water" and i checked the lable on my soil and it say PH is between 6-7 i would say 6.5 is that too high?? and what can i do to fix this problem? this is my first grow and any input would be really appreciated, thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
I suspect this would not be a pH issue at this very early time in the grow. Your pH sounds spot on, as I understand it.
It's probably water related, as in too much. Remember, you're only watering 2 little leaves and a toothpic stem . . . and you need the roots seeking water for the best results.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply MrFishy, i totally agree with you but what about the yellow spot's??? and now im starting to see it on the other seedlings!!! boi am i going crazy!


Well-Known Member
let the soil dry out before you water them. its a weed...... I never pay attention to mine and they do fine. what kind of lighting are you using?


Well-Known Member
Over-watering causes all kinds of spots to show, usually starting on the tips, which can indicate other things, but this early on, should only be moisture related?


Well-Known Member
Sorry mib, you know what mary does to you.

Are you feeding em already? Looks like you cooked em. Overwatering would have made the little guys look different.


Active Member
id go with what the lads said dont water untill they have dried out abit then give them a little pick me up like superthrive or super vit also give them a very week dosage of a rooting complex. i use rhizotonic for the 1st 10 days.


Well-Known Member
I know whats wrong man you need a new light setup, stay away from cfl's, go get yourself a 250w metal halide bulb and hang it about 10-13 inches from them baby's
in your pictures the little guys look like they have plenty of water but no help absorbing it.
The new light will be well worth it. This is what mine look like after 13 days with a 250w metal halide


Active Member
I know whats wrong man you need a new light setup, stay away from cfl's, go get yourself a 250w metal halide bulb and hang it about 10-13 inches from them baby's
in your pictures the little guys look like they have plenty of water but no help absorbing it.
The new light will be well worth it. This is what mine look like after 13 days with a 250w metal halide

i just got two extra 105W each CFL's will that fix the problem?? that would be 350W total daylight! BTW its getting worse and the yellowing spots is spreading! i really need some help here......