I NEED HELP SETTING UP MY FIRST GROW. I have done a lot of research.

Hi, I will be setting up my first grow very soon. Money is not a problem so give me any equipment that sounds good and works well. Basically what I need help with is lighting and a little ventilation help, also anything else you can think of that will help except seed choice.

I will be growing in 10'x10' spare room with two windows, but I will have a 9'x9' or 10'x10' grow tent in the room that will house my plants and grow.

First I should say that what I am trying to grow and accomplish for my first run is about 25-30 autoflower plants and 4 or 5 non auto plants (all from seed). So that I would be having all my autoflower plants already drying while I still have the non autos in the room in flowering mode then.

I will be using 5 gallon air pots for my autoflower seeds so maximize yield.

I dont feel like getting to much into my soil (organic of course) or nutes.

Distilled water

With Ac, dehumidifier, humidifier also in tent

This is where I need help with my exhaust.

I know the carbon filter combo that I will need to have to take care of the whole room and I will be exhausting it outside using the window. Also bringing is fresh air with an inline fan from the another window. WILL THIS WORK?

This is where I need help with my lighting situation.

At first I was thinking to get 8, 240W UV(w/ 3w bulbs) Led lights OR 4, 500W UV(w/ 3W bulbs) Led lights.:wall: But then I realized that this is not optimum and I could do way better but I need help because I dont know much about lights. What I am mainly trying to accomplish is to not have to have 2 separate grow rooms, not have to change the type of light for veg and flower, and MOST IMPORTANTLY be able to go from seed all the way to flower with the one type of lights I am growing because the majority of my crop will be autoflowers from seed that flower on any light schedule and it doesnt really matter much about light just that they get enough. So I was thinking to have a half of the lights be metal halide because I heard they are good for veg and the other half be hps. How many 1000W lights should I get of each for that grow tent and when the plants are at seed and at seedling how much of the lights should be running. SO CAN SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS

SO PLZZZZZZ GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS AND HELP ON MY VENTILATION AND LIGHTING.......... Had to smoke 5 bowls in my largest bowl to type this
Ok.... first of all take what I say with a grain of salt because I am a noobie just like you but I do a LOT of reading.

1) Your exhaust system will work. However, that being said if you use HID lights you will be pumping a lot of heat outside your window. Look up FLIR and you will see why this could potentially be a bad idea. IF you decide to go with LED's this will not be a problem.

2)Higher end LED lights like the Pro Grows have multiple different modes of lighting ie: veg, flowering, and mixed spectrums. However, if you do decide to go with HID lights I personally would go with a ratio like 25% MH and 75% HPS so that you have mixed spectrums. I have seen multiple people on this forum say that they have used HPS lights for veg and that it works fine. Plants can veg under small florescent fixtures so its not as important that you have badass veg lights as badass flowering lights.

Some thoughts.
1.While many will tell you LED lights are not as effective your power bill will be around 25% of what the HID lights will run you and you won't have to buy and replace expensive bulbs but they are not as powerful as HID lights. Therefore id consider mixing HID and LED lights given your desires.

2.Why are you set on only one grow room? If you divided your grow space into two different rooms a veg and a flower you could be harvesting plants every 2 months instead of every 3 or 4. I imagine some company out there makes a 10x10 tent with two different sides.
EDIT: look for Secret Jardin Dark Room Pro DR300W II Grow Tent im pretty sure it is what im talking about.

3. Since it looks like you are going the soil route I would recommend you look into Tropf Blumats they are a nifty little contraption that automatically waters your plants for you. I use them and was able to leave my plants for 3 weeks recently and came back and they were lookin great. There is another website that has nearly a 100 page thread on using them. If you used this in combination with a supersoil mix like subcools you would have almost zero maintenance you would have to do! Ive seen the base mix sold on ebay for fairly cheap, just search "super soil" and you should find it.