I need help with my cloning plz


Active Member
Ok let me explain the situation. I have a decent amount of experience growing regularly in soil. However recently i wanted to have a harvest every 2 weeks so i started some mamas BOG Bogglegum. I grew them up took 40 clones only 20 survived and rooted. Next 2 weeks i did it again these were cloned in soil by the way (me newb to cloning at this point well still newb ) I took another 40 clones and all of them died none of them rooted. Then i took another 40 the following weak tried peat pellets and a more expensive root gel as opposed to a cheap walmart powder. same thing happened about 36 no roots after 2 weeks. Then i did it again tried Oasis cloning cells and almost all of them are dead already. The first week i had no humidiy dome and i had them directly under light which i thought i should have humidity dome and they should not get direct sunlight. Well i did best the first time and every time after things have gone horrible. The first week i used oxygen plus to water the clones i thought that might be bad but i had 20 survive week one when i used it. Also i noticed the week that i did the peat pellets almost all died(no roots at 2 weeks) but 4 and the ones that had rooted the peat pellet was slightly dried out.

So hear is the deal next time i am going to try peat pellets again. I use Olivias rooting gel. I wasn't cutting at 45 degree angle i am going to do that and i am going to also try the scarification method to expose more area for rooting. i know they are not lacking ferts cause they stay green and healthy and just have no roots. they sit on the basement floor but its summer around hear i have checked the floor it feels quite warm plus the heat from the lights keeps it warm.

1. Should i use oxygen plus when watering clones perhaps its lack of oxygen?
2. I place clones near a 600watt metal halide but not dirrectly under should that be ok.
3. how often should u water clones? i try to keep them wet all the time but i noticed the ones that were not super wet when i did peat pellets did better?

Once again i am doing a SOG method and i need these guys rooted in 2 weeks then ready to transplant to 6" container and repeat every 2 weeks.

please help sorry if this is not clear enought discription plz ask questions i will answer thx


Well-Known Member
I am no expert ,for sure , but here is my 2 cent's worth regarding your questions.
Use regular H2O
Do NOT put clones under MH , flourescent lights work fine for cloning, and you do not have to have the clones right up against the light.
Use a humidity dome/tent/ plastic sheeting , something to keep the moisture
If you water in the morning and mist the leaves , then keep them in the humidity tent/cover they should be good for 24 hours, maybe a misting again at night will not hurt.
Light on 24 hours a day.
Two weeks may not be enough time, depending on the cutting it may take 16 days to 21 days to see good root formation.
Read the Grow FAQ section !!
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ez cloner works great for me, Rather expensive im sure if you have the time you can build one for a fraction of the cost. Simple concept

tony maglone

Well-Known Member
hi i have great success with cutting them and putting them n 1 inch cubes but each to there own i reckon..cali girl can i ask if i used an ez clone how would i then put them into a 1 inch cube with out damaging the roots?


Active Member
well yea i am sure there are a few threads with pics and with enough comon sense you can build your own if you do just make sure that the tub and lid that you use are light proof cause if light gets into the res it will cause a fungi that can kill the roots so use real dark containers


Well-Known Member
ive had rather sketchy results with first clones.

Last round:
I took about a dozen to 18 cuttings. Dipped in Vita Grow then into Rapid Rooter plugs. Plugs were set into 1/4" (6mm) of water. No dome, in veg room ( a few CFLs and a 70W HPS) 100% rooting.

(I killed them later with neglect. Been away for 4 weeks, but they all rooted in 1-1.5 weeks)

Oh take cuttings from the lower part of the plant.