i need help with my punctuation


Well-Known Member
of all the things i get clowned on the most it's me punctuation. i have a hard time with commas and such. i'll admit, two years ago i could barely spell. i was always good in school but thru the years i haven't had to do a lot of writing. most of my work involved heavy labor with a minimal writing skills required. i'd write up job procedures and what not but that was never much more than a sentence at a time. my spelling has greatly improved simply due to the fact that i hate red lines. i do my best to try to figure out the proper spellings on my own and it has really helped. now what to do about my punctuation. :confused:


Well-Known Member
At RIU we know what you mean to say or punctuate. But are you going to be writing a masters thesis anytime soon? If not keep life as simple as possible and keep on with yer bad self.


Well-Known Member
At RIU we know what you mean to say or punctuate. But are you going to be writing a masters thesis anytime soon? If not keep life as simple as possible and keep on with yer bad self.
actually..........i'm trying to find a book writing program. i need some way to type paragraphs then add pics next to them. i have everything i need for a book i just need to figure out how to put it all together.:mrgreen:


Active Member
Well, you can improve by starting with capital letters after a full stop. As for commas, just think to yourself if i was saying this sentence out loud, where would i pause. Then just put a commas in your text where you paused.

Edit: You could also try typing your book up in word, that can correct punctuation.


Well-Known Member
hells yes. firefox rocks on. someone should suggest it to em, maybe it'll be put in there. get things doen, people. and hmmm. I'm eighteen years old and can't punctuate. I mean; Things like colons and semi-colons are easy, and my commas are just fine, but when it comes to true "english ability" I'd fail. i mean, bring on the commas. Oh, and really, all you need FDD, are a few semicolons (these things ; )
those make everything look professional and such. you use one then start a new sentence pertaining to the last one, sorta. it's difficult to explain, but that's all i use, really.


Well-Known Member
Well, you can improve by starting with capital letters after a full stop. As for commas, just think to yourself if i was saying this sentence out loud, where would i pause. Then just put a commas in your text where you paused.

Edit: You could also try typing your book up in word, that can correct punctuation.

i can't capitalize. that's my style.:mrgreen: also, i refused to spell "thru" "through". but i will spell it "threw".:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol, so you through the ball threw the window? that's incorrect, threw and thru, but, it's fucking funnny, so we'l let it go. but seriously, i had one question I've been meaning to as you. What does your name mean, FDD ?


Well-Known Member
lol, so you through the ball threw the window? that's incorrect, threw and thru, but, it's fucking funnny, so we'l let it go. but seriously, i had one question I've been meaning to as you. What does your name mean, FDD ?

no, i threw the ball thru the window. :mrgreen:



New Member
If you shell out top dollar for a dictionary and a thesaurus, both should have sections on punctuation. Good ones go for a little under $100 each. A college bookstore should have some good ones.


Well-Known Member
If you shell out top dollar for a dictionary and a thesaurus, both should have sections on punctuation. Good ones go for a little under $100 each. A college bookstore should have some good ones.

i don't want to read books, i want to write books. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
everyone should give him bad hints/pointers on his future posts....see how much we can screww up his grammar and punctuation......Like...I dont want to wread books" I want to writed books+ :)


Well-Known Member
fdd, i know a few English majors, i'll see if there are any pocket manuals that are exceptionally good for punctuation. right now i have "easy writter third edition" "http://product.half.ebay.com/_W0QQprZ46983144QQcpidZ1332384555"

got that for my college English class last year, its pretty handy if you wanna look something up quick, Microsoft office 2003 and up have grammar checkers built into them, they underline incorrect grammar with green and spelling with red, its not 100% but its pretty good. if i find anything else i'll post back, good luck with your book!


If you're serious about writing books, I would suggest writing it up in Microsoft Word as someone suggested earlier. If you don't have it and don't want to spend the money on it, download instead OpenOffice. It's an open source (meaning FREE) group of programs similar to Microsoft Office, and can produce the same files that the expensive Microsoft programs. It has it's own Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and whatever the other one is, I never use that one =p

It'll help ya along for the most part, and then just send your work off to an editor. That's your true spelling/grammar check. I'm sure GK knows someone who can help. Hell, even I would go over your draft with a red pen if you don't want to worry about money =]

Hope that helps some....

... and how stoned are you to be complaining about punctuation?


Well-Known Member
If you're serious about writing books, I would suggest writing it up in Microsoft Word as someone suggested earlier. If you don't have it and don't want to spend the money on it, download instead OpenOffice. It's an open source (meaning FREE) group of programs similar to Microsoft Office, and can produce the same files that the expensive Microsoft programs. It has it's own Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and whatever the other one is, I never use that one =p

It'll help ya along for the most part, and then just send your work off to an editor. That's your true spelling/grammar check. I'm sure GK knows someone who can help. Hell, even I would go over your draft with a red pen if you don't want to worry about money =]

Hope that helps some....

... and how stoned are you to be complaining about punctuation?
i spoke with his editor last year. they loved my sample pics. i told them i wanted to put a book together. they said send them some ideas. i'm stuck there. i know what i want but my vision is in completed form. it's hard for me to write without the pics right next to the text. i want to write it somewhat like they style of my tutorials. i can punch those out pretty quick because i just look at the pic they write wants going on in it. i'm looking for a program i can do this on. something where i can have text and pic on the same page. i'm terrible when it comes to programs. i barely know paintbrush.

people mouth off to me all day long. nothing bothers me until they attack my punctuation. i know it's bad and i'm a little embarrassed.