I Need Help

hi, so im ordering my seeds today from bcseedking.com and i do not know wht kind of seeds to get i was thinkin about the ak-47 good chose or not?:joint: but i need a weed tht doesent smell strong but easy to grow

plz help me


Well-Known Member
Hey spencer. Well first off, I dont think it matters what strain you choose, its all going to smell. Im guessing your doing it in your room, and dont want your parents to know? Well if thats the case you should try and find a carbon fiber or something to neutralize the smell, becuase they will smell it.

About what seeds to get. I ordered from their and basically just asked him for a seed mix of the seeds I told him. He included all the seeds I listed, but they were all in a bag unlabeled, so that kind of sucked, but ill figure out which is which when I start growing them. However the 10 free seeds, were in a separate bag and labeled. So you have some options there, if you want to just get 1 strain, or if you want to get multiple but not know what your growing until a couple weeks in.

I ordered:
White Widow
Bc mango
Juicy Fruit
and got 10 free kahunas.

Also besides the 10 free kahunas, they hooked me up with 7 more free seeds. 5 more in my mix, and 2 extra kahunas.

Goodluck mate<3

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
if you are in the states, and its not important that you get fem. seeds. i would get from a canadian site. some canadian sites offer 5 day shipping priority to US. and also guarantee delivery.

Ak is good, depends on the set up. whats your grow room like?