I need humidity


Well-Known Member
So hello all It's Doom here. So my last grow of my Pink hair Afgan was great!! But now im on too new things and one of them is Purple KushX Blueberry " I bought them with the Afgan" so ive done some research im reading Humidity lV's at or around 55% well hell this machine I just bought I cant even get the humidity too raise at all let alone get it too 55. I live in Colorado so its pretty dry here about 30% some times less. So now for the big question what do you guys like too use . as it is now I have a 30 dollar wick humidifier it reminds me of a swamp cooler really. I had no idea when I bought it thinking I should take it back for a vick stem humidifier.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
agree that 55% may be ideal but not to worry about 30%....my indoor humidity is typically 50 - 65%...I had a humidifier running in the grow room but couldn't seem to maintain a consistent RH....so I gave up and no worst for wear

the perfect RH is not that critical


Active Member
Low humidity generally isn't a problem. During the winter, my humidity can get as low as 20%. Just make sure your plants have water and they'll be fine. I don't do anything to adjust humidity unless it gets over 60% and then I just throw in a Damprid or 2.


Well-Known Member
Low humidity for drying is the problem, in Colorado you are fine up until harvest. 30's is normal...