I need ideas for odor control


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I live in a apartment building and will be flowering some plants soon. food smells, smoke, etc. can be smelt between rooms so i need some ideas on odor control for my plants in my closet.



Well-Known Member
or the ONA odor nuetralizer gel shit you can buy in the air freshener aisle? edit: I'm not sure where carries this though, I know walmart had a similar product that was a jar full of lil odor absorbing balls that is supposed to be a pretty decent air nuetralizer, my friend put it in his closet he keeps his bongs in..youll def need a carbon filter for growing though :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I know a carbon filter is the best way to go but i cant really cut a hole in my wall to run filtered air out. thats why im asking if there is another way. cool DIY on the carbon filter THANKS!


Well-Known Member
activated carbon filtration my friend...it is your only friend ;)
massah is more or less right but Ona Gel and strongly scented candles (cinnamon, anything heavy) placed on a candle warmer will also be friendly. Candle warmers are very inexpensive.


Ursus marijanus
drolove, You don't need to vent the filtered air. A fan drawing air through a good filter (e.g. Phresh or CanFilter) will capture odors, and you keep the air. Just place the fan/filter in the same room as your grow. cn


Ursus marijanus
has anyone used these before?


I kind of wish I would have bought that instead of a carbon filter now.
I own and use an ozone generator. They are effective. However matching the ozone output to the odor generated is not easy! Too much is toxic and corrosive. Ozonizers are best for sanitizing exhaust to outdoors. For indoor, carbon is much safer, much easier to use and works like a charm. cn


Active Member
I have never grown on a small scale, in my apt for flowering im going to be using a can filter-2600 with a can fan 4inch on it... stinky?


Well-Known Member
went to buy all the stuff for the DIY carbon filter that maariic suggested but they didnt have all the stuff i needed so i tried making my own using carbon filters for a air purifing system or something like that. i blew some smoke through one towards a friend and he said he could still kinda smell the smoke but it didnt smell quite like anything. only problem im having now is my fan isnt strong enough lol


Active Member
The best opinion will be I guess when my GF comes over. The box I have the carbon filter works as the exhaust for the box as well, so it should clear the smell up.


Well-Known Member
for micro grows you can use ona block, scented candles, dryer sheets.. they all work just fine