Okay,So i started with 7 plants, i harvested 3 and i have 4 left. The 3 i harvested already were started at the same time as 1 of my other ones,a white widow plant&this is the plant i have a big problem with. So i started these 4 plants at the same time but my white widow was running longer.I just realized my PH meter was busted¬ producing the right readings. Now i am screwed. The leaves are all turning yellow! The buds were a few weeks away from being finished. One of my other plants is turning yellow too and its in mid flower. I am going to read more information so i understand this is explained already but still, any help would be appreciated. Im so upset. Some time in the past weeks it got busted and i didnt know, i have been trying to diagnose under the impression the ph was fine and now im realizing its not, i have 2 meters and they both read differently. All the leaves are yellow or turning,does that mean the buds are dead too?