I need immediate help.


Active Member
Okay,So i started with 7 plants, i harvested 3 and i have 4 left. The 3 i harvested already were started at the same time as 1 of my other ones,a white widow plant&this is the plant i have a big problem with. So i started these 4 plants at the same time but my white widow was running longer.I just realized my PH meter was busted&not producing the right readings. Now i am screwed. The leaves are all turning yellow! The buds were a few weeks away from being finished. One of my other plants is turning yellow too and its in mid flower. I am going to read more information so i understand this is explained already but still, any help would be appreciated. Im so upset. Some time in the past weeks it got busted and i didnt know, i have been trying to diagnose under the impression the ph was fine and now im realizing its not, i have 2 meters and they both read differently. All the leaves are yellow or turning,does that mean the buds are dead too?


Well-Known Member
Okay,So i started with 7 plants, i harvested 3 and i have 4 left. The 3 i harvested already were started at the same time as 1 of my other ones,a white widow plant&this is the plant i have a big problem with. So i started these 4 plants at the same time but my white widow was running longer.I just realized my PH meter was busted&not producing the right readings. Now i am screwed. The leaves are all turning yellow! The buds were a few weeks away from being finished. One of my other plants is turning yellow too and its in mid flower. I am going to read more information so i understand this is explained already but still, any help would be appreciated. Im so upset. Some time in the past weeks it got busted and i didnt know, i have been trying to diagnose under the impression the ph was fine and now im realizing its not, i have 2 meters and they both read differently. All the leaves are yellow or turning,does that mean the buds are dead too?
Post pics.

Maybe it's not busted, but it needs to be calibrated. I calibrate my ph meter at least once per month.

What is your grow media, nutrients, feed/water sched, ppm/ec, temps, RH, lights?


Active Member
I dont have a pic right now & idk how this happened bc i water a bunch of plants at once and only 2 of them are having this problem. Its a nutrient lockout, its not getting nitrogen. I use micro,grow,bloom,Cal,Grape sweetener. I bought all the nutrients on a gift card and i realized i didnt really need them all but i feed according to the chart on the general hydroponics website& I use the light feed schedule most of the time. The problem is the PH. All the leaves have turned yellow, the buds look all developed but the hairs are still white nd on the other plant it is in mid flower and all the leaves are yellow except about 10-12 inches on the top. This plant was really close to the light-i had an extra light on the side of the plants&thought that the light was too close which made me dismiss the PH,until the problem got worse. I didnt think it was PH bc the rest of the plants look fine and i water all at the same time. This happened in the last 10 days.
What im asking basically is if I keep watering at the proper PH level, will the plant rebound, i know the leaves are done but will the bud part rebound or is the bud dead too&i should just pick it instead of it dying on the plant&drying all out?


Active Member
My PH tester is unreliable-I just got a new one in the mail today. Sometimes i get the right readings,sometimes i dont. But-Since i got this new tester I am able to be certain of the PH levels. Now I am going to water the plant a few times to flush whatever bad is in there.


Active Member
yes,i learned the very hard way. Now i have a proper tester that was like 40 bux.
If i keep giving the proper ph water,will the buds rebound? or do the buds die when the leaves die?

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member
Best of luck with the recovery.

Buying a decent pH meter is only part of the fix. You need to have calibration and storage solution as well. Even a good meter needs frequent calibration for accurate results.

I have a quality pH meter and solutions but still prefer the drops 90% of the time; fast, reliable, accurate, cheap.


Active Member
ya,this was a whole kit, it came with 3 solutions to dip it in for calibration that you can store. I have to order the drops and tester bc the one i had starts at 6.8,its for a pool and not plants so it doesnt go any lower so when i drop the drops in i cant tell the difference in color plus i am a bit colorblind with some shades.

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member

Drops are much more accurate than the paper test strips.
Red = 5
Yellow = 6
Green = 7

You quickly become able to discern to the tenth of a point easily

E.g. Yellow w/ a hint of green = 6.2, Yellow, with a hint of red = 5.8, ...

Its also nice to have some pH drops around as a sanity check for a meter