I Need Input


I tend to pay attention to every little detail more than I should, but I just needed to get some second opinions. Do you think this is possibly a light issue? Or nutes, even?

Here's what i'm working with:

Single Plant Grow (better to get ONE done right, first)

5gal bubble bucket (black) DWC
60g air pump w 2 round/heavy air stones
Distilled water filled to 1" below net pots with main root barely sticking out and getting splashed by water. (they've dropped about 2" from where I originally filled)
Medium: Rockwool & Hydroton
PPM: 315 (has been constant for entire week)
Nutes: Lucas Formula (GH Micro and Bloom)
PH: 5.8 - (has ALSO been constant for entire week)
^Calibrated both meters and are perfect.
Chiller cools res at 66f
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temps: 73-77f
Night Temps: 68f
Humidity: Was at 50-60% up until this mid week when my humidifier broke -19-30% now
Lights: 400mh Vented Hood w fan set to exhaust and intake from main a/c vent - exhaust stays cool, I highly recommend this for small closet grows. 18" away from tops.
Tent 2'x4'x5'
20" square fan (usually I keep the tent slightly unzipped to help with ventilation)
-Roots are white and beautiful, but still need more growth, main root is very big.
-Also, I raised the rockwool and wove the main root back to the bottom of the net pot - the rockwool was soaking. I figured this could be overwatering issue as well.
-There are yellow tips on one of the upper newer leaves and on both the single leaflets. Also, a small white spot from bleaching when my tent didn't have proper ventilation.

And uh.. yeah. That's all I can think of.

Am I overreacting or what? :bigjoint:



I just figured when the third node came in, that I would give them 1/4 strength nutes of the Lucas formula, which isn't much ppm's as you can see. Or perhaps maybe it is. I'll flush it and put in distilled water and see if it perks back up - if it worsens, i'm assuming it was then a deficiency of some sort?

The reason I even bring it up is because it was a different shade of green and almost looks "sickly" to me and not as happy - something seems off.