Trich thats a great recipe and very similar to one that i use as well. I use a bit of GH Floralicious plus in my brew. Just last night I added a few ml's of H&G Roots Excel, and holy crap, the second I added that little bit, the bucket fizzed and really came to life! I like the glacial rock dust idea though. I may look into that.take a look in the Organic thread...tons of info on ACT's!!
Bountea has a high microbe count as is pretty easy; a little pricey, but will keep your ladies happy.
My current flower brew
Ancient forest humisoil 1c/gal
Wonder Worm EWC 1/2c/gal
Souluble Seaweed 1tsp/5gal
Honey ES 1-2 tsp/gal
Gonna add in the future some products from Vital earth; Glacial rock Dust and Organic Compost!!
Tea <3 Feed Soil <3
For sure....i got a sample the other day of this stuff and threw it in my latest batch at 2tbsp/galTrich thats a great recipe and very similar to one that i use as well. I use a bit of GH Floralicious plus in my brew. Just last night I added a few ml's of H&G Roots Excel, and holy crap, the second I added that little bit, the bucket fizzed and really came to life! I like the glacial rock dust idea though. I may look into that.