i need serious help on drying +rep


New Member
ok so i just started drying not growing because my friend would dry it for me now im dryin it
an o i dried i started in box not hanging and taught it was to dry so i put lettuce 4 to long and then put in jar it got mold was it cause lettuce

secound o i put in pencil box witbh lettuce it got mold to

can i put an o ima chop in pencil boxes due to space issues then put in jars?
and another o can i hang and put in jar
i cant hang it all plz help il rep


New Member
i just wana know if i can dry my cut weed in pencil boxes then cure in jars i have space issues at the time


Active Member
try putting it in paper bags just make sure its flat as for the lettuce never heard of doin that but i would image it would cause mold


Active Member
yeah use a paper bag till they seem dry to the touch, pop them in air-tight container. Teeter totter in between these states to continue "curing"


Active Member
Damn your grammar and spelling is fucked up. But i think i deciphered it....You dried your weed, then decided to dry it with lettuce, then it got moldy...

Why the hell would you dry/cure it with lettuce. If its completely overrun with mold, then its as good as garbage. Sorry to say it that way, but you shouldve done it right the first time.

Know before you grow.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure he's saying it got too dry, so he put in the lettuce to moisten it up again, and yes, that will cause the mold. Make sure your humidity levels, and temps aren't out of wack though. Between 40 and 50% humidity and temps between 65 and 75. I've been so high I've said and typed weird things. Haha. Stop sweatin the kids grammar.


Well-Known Member
your actually adding moisture.. by adding lettuce during the curing process.
you sure you know what your doing?? :|

Only thing I can suggest.. is too take a look at my article on drying & curing. Maybe take an English class or two..??

Good luck either way.



Well-Known Member
Doesn´t lettuce make your bud moist rather than dry??

I just hang the whole plant up in one of my sheds for a week.


New Member
yra i taught it was to dry i never dried before because my frined would dry all my crops ans now i dry and i wanted to know if i could put an ounce in pencil boxes spread out then cure in jars
ima hnag the other ounce and then cure in jars i cant hang both due to space issues