I Need Some Advice About A Girl, Destiny or God Kicking Me In The Teeth?

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
So this is about a current situation, but flashback real quick so you can get the backstory.

It was a nice sunny day, definitely too nice to stay at school, so i leave school and meet some friends in the neighborhood nearby. we procede to smoke a nice j, but it was rolled about as well as someone with no arms could do, no one got high. so we walk down to the weedman, and along the way we see an acquaintance of mine, not really a friend but we're straight. We'll call him j-rad. Tall white boy, about 6'1 a tinge bigger and muscular than me.hes apparently a crip, but it's whatver.

as were walkin back to smoke this fool is drinking rubbing alcohol and poppin dm(or whatever that cough syrup shit is) and we get to the house and proceed to get high as fuck, like giggly high sittin in chairs. me and my friend, j and to of his friends.

Him and one of his friends go inside, and its the one other guy me and my friend. When they come back out they have blue bandanas around their faces like bandits, actually one just had it around his neck. im thinkin "look at these goons here:|" and i look at them for that quick moment, and get back to talkin to my friend, i said" maaan i need to find a cigarette, im gonna be fiendin" i look up at j, "know what i mean?"

"you know what i think about that?" he replied, and began punching me in the face. i fell on the ground, too high too realize what was happening, to fight back.Punches and kicks rained in, and it didn't hurt anything but my pride. I never did anything to him, and that was the main thing that made me so mad. when i finally got a little spark of rage it was already over. he stole 3 dollars from me and he knew that was all i had. it was just to get rank.

now this guy is the only person in the world i really might actually hate, what he did was totally uncalled for, and it weighs on me everyday. fast forward a few months. mr tru goon over here is out shooting up now, smoking meth, poppin oxy's, robbin laptops and watches just to get some weed.

well too bad your an asshole, and now hes in jail. i was happy as hell to hear the news.

present day- lately i've been going through a time of total singleness, 18 and pretty much technically a virgin. im the nice guy, but i can get mean as hell when it comes to fighting and people getting in my face. but i have just lately kinda felt like every girl i like out here is either taken or annoying, or out of my league.

then i meet this girl who seems so perfect! shes the friend of a friend, and my first impression that was she was soooo cute, something about her is just so...pretty. well she likes me, not like in a sexual way, but shes definitely interested in me. then we burn it downnnbongsmilie btw 2 of her friends are with us, this isn't a letter to penthouse, yet:lol:

we smoked, laughed, she blew me a gun and we were chillin. shes got a really nice personailty in my opinion, and i seriously consider this girl an option, which made me so happy, because i havnt felt that way about a girl around here in a while.

but as were talkin she says she has a boyfriend
her:hes locked up right now
me: who is he?

*sigh. at that moment i looked up at the sky and wondered why the lord hated me:wall:. this girl is so cute, why the hell does it have to be that junkie bum????!?!?!?

she told me he had changed "for god" and i said " thats funny he aint changed! he robbed houses till the day he got locked up, fuck that nigga."

we talked some more, not really about that, she was tellin me the whole time bout how i need to be their new best friend cause they kicked the old ones out and i was like sure, she was excited. i gave her a big strong hug, and let the rain wash over me as i walked back to the house. it was pouring but it felt so good at that moment.

so what im thinkin is, steal his girl. straight up, shes sooo cute, soo nice, and he definitely doesn't deserve her. maybe its no coincidence, maybe its destiny that i steal his girlfriend that way when he gets out he can come back to nothing, and hell learn what crippin and robbin and beatin random folks up did for him. which is nothing, which is what that bastard deserves.

or maybe its just cruel fate, but i believe this should be the occasion where the nice guy gets the girl cause he's not a total dick? but i know this aint a cowboy movie, and real life doesn't always have a happy ending.

but i know hell prolly try to bring drama when he does get out, but i don't care cause i have 0 respect for him. i will fight dirty. as in i WILL win and he will get hurt.

my friends are all saying "fck that bitch" and i really really really really dont wanna just forget her. right now im on the policy of wait to see what happens with us.

so do u guys think i should go for the girl, try to give her a man that can take care of her and isn't an asshole? do u think its destiny/fate whatever or just a coincidence? i had to get this off my chest to some strangers, hopefully some wise ones.


Well-Known Member
Who cares? Just move on with your life, if you like this broad go for it. If you want to spite the mother fucker, it seems you should spite him in the way he claims to be reconciling himself, in that turn the other cheek, you know wwjd.

Not that you should go fundamentalist, but the teachings of Jesus as interpreted as allegory are quite beautiful, quite like the teachings of Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Plato, John Lennon, Karl Marx and many other intellectual idealists in history.



Well-Known Member
I say if she's worth it, stick with it and read her signs. But do NOT go out of your way, because is he was with that goof Jrad then she must be attracted to that type. Feel the situation. Or just get her drunk and fuck the living shit outta her. That's what I would do, then you can say hahaha I fucked YO BITCH! lol


Well-Known Member
Id just fuck her and leave it at that.

As for the dickhead that robbed you get his bitch ass lol.
I bet he became a jailhouse muslim to,he knows the muslims dont fuck with there own kind.
Seriously beat the living hell out of this motherfucker when he gets out then run up on all his friends and hospitalize them to.

I have no idea how someone could just fall back and not give a fuck this dude took your 3 dollars lol,yea hes a junky thats locked up but he deserves more then that.


Well-Known Member
id steal the girl

when crip gets out be like "look we clicked and thats that. i didnt hold a grudge when you jumped me for 3$ but if you want to fight now; i have something to defend"


Well-Known Member
lmao we are steering this guy for mass violence and thuglike behavior, good job everyone :) maybe just play it by ear and don't get too crazy dude.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
when crip gets out be like "look we clicked and thats that. i didnt hold a grudge when you jumped me for 3$ but if you want to fight now; i have something to defend"
although it wouldn't be this poetic, thats kinda what im thinking.

im just waiting to get to know her more.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
As for the dickhead that robbed you get his bitch ass lol.
I bet he became a jailhouse muslim to,he knows the muslims dont fuck with there own kind.
Seriously beat the living hell out of this motherfucker when he gets out then run up on all his friends and hospitalize them to
um what does the muslim part have to do with anything lol?


Active Member
fuck her then go visit him in jail and gloat, just joking do what you feel is right i mean i always do whatever i want never back down


Well-Known Member
Personally, I wouldn't take her too seriously. Sure, she might seem cute and nice, and you might be a bit infatuated/horny... but, she doesn't strike me as being very bright. She's with that j-rad guy, who is obviously a total asshole. So, either she's got problems and is drawn to people who are a bit fucked up, or she has really terrible judgment. Not the type of person to want a relationship with IMO. If you're just looking for someone to fuck, I guess that's another story... still, I don't know if that's worth the trouble you'd probably run into later.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
Personally, I wouldn't take her too seriously. Sure, she might seem cute and nice, and you might be a bit infatuated/horny... but, she doesn't strike me as being very bright. She's with that j-rad guy, who is obviously a total asshole. So, either she's got problems and is drawn to people who are a bit fucked up, or she has really terrible judgment. Not the type of person to want a relationship with IMO. If you're just looking for someone to fuck, I guess that's another story... still, I don't know if that's worth the trouble you'd probably run into later.
thats a really good point,but we're cihllin today. i've got to get to know her alot better, and were gonna do a lil bit of smokeysmokey too


Well-Known Member
um what does the muslim part have to do with anything lol?
because I think I read somewhere in your story that his girl said he found god or something.

In prison the muslims stick together and dont get fucked with because the majority of prison is muslim.

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
because I think I read somewhere in your story that his girl said he found god or something.

In prison the muslims stick together and dont get fucked with because the majority of prison is muslim.
haha if he did, i would tell him im muslim too, then punch him directly in the throat.


Active Member
pick him up from the lockup when he gets out, act all buddy buddy, drive him to somewhere secluded saying "my boy down here has the super funk" or something to that effect (you don't want him growing a brain and figuring out your master plan) get out and tire iron his ankle and leave him n the wrong side of town

Muppets On Drugs

Active Member
pick him up from the lockup when he gets out, act all buddy buddy, drive him to somewhere secluded saying "my boy down here has the super funk" or something to that effect (you don't want him growing a brain and figuring out your master plan) get out and tire iron his ankle and leave him n the wrong side of town

hahahhahah thats absolutely terrible on so many levels. that would never work, but its hilarious


Well-Known Member
You have two different things you want to resolve: your desire for payback and your desire for a girl. Destiny begins with a choice-- yours is which of the two two desires you will act on. If you pursue payback, you may get pussy, but you won't get the girl. If you really go for the girl, you probably won't get satisfactory payback.

That might read too much like a fortune cookie, but it is what it is.