i need some advice im stuck

ok well here is my issue, i was growing in my closet and my father has seen my plants. i need to find a new place to put them which i have found, its a box about 3 feet tall and about 1 1/2 feet wide. now i need this box to get me through the whole grow cycle and im thinking that its going to be pretty hard to keep the plants low enough not to touch my lights. (2x 150 watt hps) what can i do to keep them low, and also what are my choices as far as heat? please someone help a fellow grower in need of desperate advise


Well-Known Member
Is this box still on your Father's property or using his electricity? Are you willing to be disowned over growing weed on his property when he obviously is against it? He has basically caught you committing a crime in his home. Are you prepared to live on the streets if caught again?
hey man i didnt ask you to give me a lecture im asking for help..... by the way the property im on is a businesses that i run the only reason i WANT to move them in the box is so i dont disappoint my father, there is no disowning going down here brother!!!


Well-Known Member
just move them outside. its flowering time outside. a three foot box i dont think will cut it cuz plants double and triple in height during flowering

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just leave them in your closet and educate your father so that it's not a disappointment to him. My father really doesn't like the idea of people smoking cannabis, yet he still thinks that it makes more sense for people to grow it themselves than to propagate a black market

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you're a business owner you're a home owner right? Or if you just run the business, should you really have the plants at that location?
i live in MY business i have a home on the upper floor, but my father visits often and is extremely snoopy.... enough with the b.s. already i posted this thread to get help and all i have gotten so far is a bunch of gals with there pantyhose in a bunch if you have nothing helpful to post here please do no post anything.... thanks much


Well-Known Member
lock the doors and dont make a big deal of it and it wont be a big deal. if he isnt snoopin or askin questions, then just continue your life as usual. However def. need to keep it safe for the business level, so lock them doors and such. If its a business, usually there are more than a few people around the building, so just gotta play ur cards right and keep a joker face on.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If it's your house, put a lock on a cupboard and tell him to piss off then :) I wouldn't let my parents go through my bedroom no matter how nosey they are.
he has been this way with me my whole life, its for my own good. i cant just spit in his face by adding locks on my door no way, i need a way to make this work in the box. this is my last attempt ill be back tomorrow, hopefully someone who has been put in this situation will have some good ideas for me.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If he is nosey and he found them before, he'll find them again, a big box with a pair of hps lights and fans etc is not going to be stealthy.

I should remind you, he'll know what the crack is, and he'll go looking. It is what parents are best at. From experience, it sounds like the damage is already done.