I need some help. Im confused


hi. so im on my 3rd batch of auto buddah syrups, first and second was brilliant, nothing has changed in setupwise no other plants no nothing. so can any one try and explain how ive brought 3 fem auto seeds, they have all buded beautifully like before but all 3 of them have seeds!!! how has thiis happend with no bloody male to polinate them? like i said this isnt the first batch! all the conditions remain the same from secont and first. no male in the room. PLEASE SOMEONE SETTLE THIS,TY.


it looks nothing like that friend. its a 3 females with buds lol but with seeds in them. not very full one seed here and there

past times

Well-Known Member
that is what he is saying. One of your plants somewhere along the way made at least one pollen sack. Probaby was in an unnoticable place. Even one or 2 bananas can screw a crop. That said if there are not many seeds you still have nice smokable bud and seeds for later. Those seeds should be female...but have a hermi tendancy....If one of the plants has more seeds, i wouldn't keep the seeds from that one, it is more than likely the "chick with a dick" culprit.

Also, before you put any other plants in your room wipe EVERYTHING down. Water kills the pollen I think but a diluted bleach wouldn't hurt. Everything gets wiped though, fans, ducting, walls, pots, etc.


ty for that clearence. so with this being said can one male bannana on female plant polinate itself? like shes just fucked herself and gev herself baby?


i strip the entire room when the ladys are over. then clean clean clean and start again. ama still smoke it all regardless aha


Active Member
Yep, it absolutely can pollinate itself.. If you can't find any signs of male parts on your plants..pollen could have infiltrated from an outside sourse..visiting friends? BUt yeah one tiny little nanner can do it. You have to really watch for those suckers, they show up and pop very quickly.