i need some help


Active Member
i've been reading on the internet for months now on how to grow, but its definently not as easy as it seems.
i only planted one right now but it seems like its stuck at a certain point. im up to 2 weeks now and it doesnt look much different from a week and a half ago.
also is there any better way to germinate other than to put it in a cup of water in a dark place because that isnt working to well for me.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
You must PH your water.... :)

During days 3 through 10 a plant does not change a lot.. it is just establishing its roots... BY day 14 after germination it should explode and start to grow at about 1 inch a day and 2 new nodes every 3 days..

You should be watering every 3-10 days.. no more... Are you using proper watering technique....? DO not over water.. this will suffocate your roots and stunt growth.... you must water a LOT (quanity) with frequency being every 3-10 days or after the top 2-4 inches of the soil are dry..

your container should be 3 gallons and LIGHT should NOT pass through your containe.. NO clear containers... YIKES..


pH Water - See More Buds


Well-Known Member
gonna need pics and gonna need to know how your trying to grow,,also check GrowFAQ,,,answers to some ??'s are there,,but more info and a pic will get you on your way to a better grow

Keep on Growin



Active Member
o wow, a source told me to water twice a day thanks for the help on that one
wats the right watering technique
pics r comin soon
gotta get a camera


Well-Known Member
germinate by soaking in a cup of water overnight. sometimes helps to scuff the surface of the seeds by putting them in a matchbox with fine sandpaper or an emory board inside. The seeds that float will be less viable than the ones that sink, not ungrowable though. After soaking overnight place seeds between papertowels on a plate. Soak the papertowels and let excess water run off down the drain. cover lightly with plastic wrap. place in a warm dark place. check once or twice daily till 1/4" taproot is exposed. checking 1-2x daily also helps seeds get fresh air. Dont allow the paper towels or seeds to ever get dry during this stage. Plant seed w/ 1/4" taproot in 1/4" 3/8-1/2" hole, root pointing down. Away you go


Well-Known Member
You could water twice a day if you wanted.

For instance, you have a plant in a 5 gallon container that goes through 2 gallons of water every 4 days. This means that one gallon will keep your plant going for 1 day. If you water a half gallon when the lights turn on, and a half gallon a few hours before lights off, this is watering twice a day.

Do whatever suites you best. For instance right now I grow somewhere else than where I sleep. This makes me water them more in one sitting so I can take leave from them for a few days. When I sleep where I grow, I prefer to water them less in a sitting so I can do it daily to keep me in check and on top of things.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Germination in rockwool cubes has always worked for me.. Soaking seeds can be a bit risky if you forget the seeds in the water...

To maximize your containers potential and allow the roots to use all the soil from top to bottom you should only be watering once every 3-10 days depending on plant size and temperature.. You should soak the shit outta of you plants and then let the soil dry.. The container should be light and the top 2-4 inches should be dry...before you water.. Mass quanity of water is good.. Frequency should be a minimum... People who keep partts of there soil wet all the time promite root growth in just certain parts of the container.. The roots want a perfect balance of moisture and 02.. Over frequency of watering causes roots to become root bound.. Usually gatjering at the bottom of a container.. Thus requiring transplanting..


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