I need some help.


Well-Known Member
20 x 8 x 8 box with 2 xxl air cooled hoods. In that box I have a 4x4 veg tent with an 8 bulb t5. I want to introduce co2 into the room but I cannot maintain a 70-80 degree temp, am I wasting my time? I also have a small portable ac/ dehumidifier that has an exhaust going out the back. Is mass amount of c02 going to escape from the air conditioning? I am also having a problem with my circuit box tripping so I dont want to keep pluging more appliances in. I know this might seem like a fuck fest post but if you mind helping, please do. Thanks


im a licensed electrician.. where you have all your stuff plugged in.. is it a basement, bedroom, attic, closet? because youd be better off if you located a higher amperage circuit like a kitchen plug , bathroom plug or if you can put a splitter on your wash machine plug.. all are ran on a 20 amp circuit which is less likely to trip. Happy growing..


i dont run co2 but if i did id put it on a timer an have it set to run when the lights first come on so it ant to hot in thar..


Well-Known Member
Its in a shed, I figured that guy who installed everything would have put it on a large amp but yeah I don't know jack about electricity. Also is it true that plants cant take up c02 if its not 70+


try and find a 20 amp circuit or above atleast or try and tap off seperate circuits to power certain things.. and yeah sheds usually dont get much power unless its meant to be a working shop or something you kno.. if you have any questions ever feel free to private message me