i need somone hel


how big do you want to finish at 3-4 feet you could probably get away with a 3 gallon pot, anything bigger than that use a 5 gallon for sure also make sure you use perlite to keep air in you soil, and vermiculite to add moisture if you dont wanna water as often both use at about a 10% mix with soil in the 3 gallon, and about 20 % in a 5 gallon.
well see what im tryingto do is complete with my friend whos plant i just seen to dayin about a month is plant is 3 feet tall n was out side...... i just want mine to grow.... also what kindia time should i havee it on? 12/12 24/0 or what?

chronic Joe

24 hours of light or 18 at the least and when its dark it has too be dark not even a little red dot of light should get on the plant, i suggest investing in some books anything by jorge cervantes is good also ed rosenthal is another good author, read i had to and so did anyone I know doing the same you have to read to understand it all and it is a complex game. anyone can grow mediocre shit but a knowledgeable grower can grow phenominal shit. lol


just go 24 saves on trying to make it dark and keep it have warm at least 60-70 F.

ok as soon asi buy the blub i will i think tis just chronice but im not sure i knwo thats what we were smoking when i got the seed i want something different notm uch good shit here in michigan lol but yea umm u think i sohuld give the led a try ona 2nd plant?


The first thing your gonna want to do is put it in a pot thats at least 12 inches is diameter and at least 10 inches deep, go to a nursery or plant type shop and get some potting mix (thats ya soil).
For optimal growth you should probly make some reflective housing for your plant, just get a big bit of flat cardboard big enough to rap around the plant (allowing for about about 2 inches from the edge of the pot), cover it in aluminum foil with the shiney side facing away from the cardboard and toward your plant. Best to make a lid using the cardboard and alfoil also. For a light just get your self one of those low wattage eco bulbs (easy on your wallet in the shop and on your bill, not to mention better for enviro) and have it sitting inside the reflective housing while making sure your not creating a fire hazzard, just turn the light off for 6 hours a day and your plant should go nicely. Make sure to water generously also!

Ive been growing for a while and ive found that this method wins on the cheapness to optimal growth ratio.



The first thing your gonna want to do is put it in a pot thats at least 12 inches is diameter and at least 10 inches deep, go to a nursery or plant type shop and get some potting mix (thats ya soil).
For optimal growth you should probly make some reflective housing for your plant, just get a big bit of flat cardboard big enough to rap around the plant (allowing for about about 2 inches from the edge of the pot), cover it in aluminum foil with the shiney side facing away from the cardboard and toward your plant. Best to make a lid using the cardboard and alfoil also. For a light just get your self one of those low wattage eco bulbs (easy on your wallet in the shop and on your bill, not to mention better for enviro) and have it sitting inside the reflective housing while making sure your not creating a fire hazzard, just turn the light off for 6 hours a day and your plant should go nicely. Make sure to water generously also!

Ive been growing for a while and ive found that this method wins on the cheapness to optimal growth ratio.

thx sounds good i really want to know if the led i foudn in the link in my very first post is worth a try could u tell me?

chronic Joe

If you were as interested as me if LEDs would work then that one would be a good one cheap enough to try on a single plant as it says in a 18"X18" area, if you want to totally up to you. i've read reviews on a few sites some saying they work great others saying their garbage, I plan on trying a few some day when the prices drop abit but the ones you found are pretty cheap, 4 of them would do close to a 3'X3' area by their measurements :-? :joint:


If you were as interested as me if LEDs would work then that one would be a good one cheap enough to try on a single plant as it says in a 18"X18" area, if you want to totally up to you. i've read reviews on a few sites some saying they work great others saying their garbage, I plan on trying a few some day when the prices drop abit but the ones you found are pretty cheap, 4 of them would do close to a 3'X3' area by their measurements :-? :joint:
k cool im goign to try the red/blue one on a single plant when my school starts back so i can see how it does it eaither works for doesnt ^_^