i need to vent. cuz this shit is bullshit.


Ursus marijanus
technically shouldnt it be "1 out of 5 stars" or something to be correct?
That depends on one's sense of propriety regarding cantilevering phrases into nounlike constructs. I would regroup at this point and say something expanded but correct, like "threads rated one of five stars". cn


Well-Known Member
any actual thoughts on whats going on in this country? the U.S. i mean. and ways to fix the things that u see wrong? feel free to bring up some topics or worries. im curious as to what the average joe is worried about if he/she is worried about anything at all? and if the average joe can figure out a decent solution to problems that the politicians cant ever seem to fix themselves without spending more tax dollars. our country is in shambles and i believe its at its worst point in 20+ years.

consider this. oil is traded in the U.S. dollar. our dollar is quickly losing its value and if people choose to change trading currency from the u.s. dollar to some other form of currency our gas per gallon will skyrocket way past the national average of 4.50 per gallon. think possibly 8-9 dollars a gallon +. the only reason we get our oil so cheap now is becuz we are the worlds base currency for trade. if we lose this everything we import will skyrocket and other countries are already talking about not accepting our currency for trade anymore becuz of how far our nation has put itself into dept by just printing money that we can no longer cover. the u.s. is the only country that can just print more money that can affect the whole world. and when we gave the big banks bailouts where do u think we got that money? we had to borrow it from other countries along with making a shit ton of extra currency that even our private reserve banks would have never been able to cover and repay back. so what are ur thoughts and opinions?


Well-Known Member
I stopped reading the OP on the first line.

skipped most of the trolling in between.

so I guess there is nothing hear for me.

Thanks for participating.

Good Day.
No welfare, no foodstamps and no social security, let the old die or be taking care of by family, let the young starve or get a job and contribute to society. To many people scared to make it on their own when you allow the government to support you then you have no right to bitch about them controlling you. After the old,weak, and lazy die we can have a strong country again.

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
I want to be a nice guy here, I really do...

...but the amount or illogical and moronic sewage that is being sprayed on this thread just makes me want to shove you in the naughty corner and beat you down to the ground with your dunce hat. I really do suggest you do your homework on the economical side of things, look at the reasons and reasoning behind it and form an opinion that won't drag down the IQ of everyone that stumbles across this kind of rant.


Well-Known Member
No welfare, no foodstamps and no social security, let the old die or be taking care of by family, let the young starve or get a job and contribute to society. To many people scared to make it on their own when you allow the government to support you then you have no right to bitch about them controlling you. After the old,weak, and lazy die we can have a strong country again.
But terribly uneducated.... still.
I look forward to drawing the social security I've paid into for the las 43 years.
Let's see if your still talking out the same side of your neck when it's Your SSI You paid into.
You wanta fix social security??
Make the Fed. Government pay back what they took/stole from it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
any actual thoughts on whats going on in this country? the U.S. i mean. and ways to fix the things that u see wrong? feel free to bring up some topics or worries. im curious as to what the average joe is worried about if he/she is worried about anything at all? and if the average joe can figure out a decent solution to problems that the politicians cant ever seem to fix themselves without spending more tax dollars. our country is in shambles and i believe its at its worst point in 20+ years.

consider this. oil is traded in the U.S. dollar. our dollar is quickly losing its value and if people choose to change trading currency from the u.s. dollar to some other form of currency our gas per gallon will skyrocket way past the national average of 4.50 per gallon. think possibly 8-9 dollars a gallon +. the only reason we get our oil so cheap now is becuz we are the worlds base currency for trade. if we lose this everything we import will skyrocket and other countries are already talking about not accepting our currency for trade anymore becuz of how far our nation has put itself into dept by just printing money that we can no longer cover. the u.s. is the only country that can just print more money that can affect the whole world. and when we gave the big banks bailouts where do u think we got that money? we had to borrow it from other countries along with making a shit ton of extra currency that even our private reserve banks would have never been able to cover and repay back. so what are ur thoughts and opinions?
im tired of people posting about shit they really have no clue about. sheeple is right. those that have a good understanding of whats going on with our government knows that just posting shit on facebook about drug testing people in our country over welfare. making guns harder to purchase and shit like that isnt going to help anything but spread to other sheeple. i mean do u want more of ur tax dollars, potentially millions if not more going to just the drug tests themselves for the people on welfare? not to mention most drugs are out of ur system in days. all they will find is a bunch of pot heads. not to mention guns this guns that? all becuz u saw the post on facebook and thought it was cool to just repost it without thinking it thoroughly thru. our country was founded on the ideas that every citizen should have a firearm to defend his family his home and his country. so why make it harder to legally own firearms? so the asshole criminals that will get guns anyway can have them and u will be theoretically screwed. becuz the response time of police officers is ridiculous. just wait america. the land of the once free. every country thats had a revolution has it about every 200 years or so right? well when is ours going to happen? pretty soon im guessing. cuz i among other smart and well educated individuals along with some government officials that are willing to admit it believe shit is going to hit the fan very soon. just look at whats happening on the other side of the country as we speak. do u think a police state will never happen to u? well u will be sadly mistaken and may find out soon enough that everything u knew and believed was garbage and by then it will be too late to do anything about it. mark my words i see a very grave future for the american people and its not very far off. i mean even other countries look at the U.S. and see us and whats going on in our country as a joke. i will not relinquish any of my firearms and i will die before i do. becuz unlike most people i will be one of those fighting for our freedom when the time comes. if its needed in bullets and blood then so be it.
im young an learning but here my opinion..

our dollar is junk. i see what your saying about OIL and "oh no" what if they dont accept our dollar for oil. we have a third of the worlds nukes, the gnarliest military in the world, do you really think this country cares if theyre going to acccept our dollar for oil? if they dont, we will take it. and if you think im wrong, your a fucking idiot, its already happening. we went to iraq to build some of the largest embassy's in the world, flood our dollar, and guarantee ourselves a piece of that oil that they were talking about pricing in euros. we arent going ANYWHERE, we will always be in the middle east.
it isnt about money anymore, its about resources, and how long until we dont have anymore of those resources anymore.
people complaining about gas.. cry me a fucking river. gas is 17 dollars a gallon in scottland, do you think theyre whole country is in debt and crying all the time because of that? NO, they learn to make do with what they have.
our public transportation system is a fucking joke, and maybe if people sstopped crying and actually did something to change it, we would actually have a decent public transportation before the oil crash happens.
wtf do you need guns for? to protect your family, you silly redneck fuck. do you really think someone is stupid enough to invade our country at this point in time? the only way to attack america would be nukes, cause your gona get it back tenfold unless you whipe us all out. we live in a nation full of morons, what makes you think everyone of those dumb fucks that voted for bush needs a weapon? that just insanity. you christians think everyone is out to get you, that your better than everyone, and your protecting your country. that is just ridiculous. you want to help your country? DONT VOTE. because you idiots are fucking everything up.
if they drug test people for welfare.. your tax dollars are going to pay for that, and big business is going to benefit from it.. thats how capitalism works man, you signed up for it, deal with it.
this country will crash, who knows when, but it will. and when it does, i hope to be living somewhere else so i can point and laugh at all the ignorant people that believe in infinite growth and capitalism. your going to be carrying backpacks of money to get a loaf of bread while the 1% are packing there bags to go retire off your stupidity in another country.
dont worry, god will save you.


Well-Known Member
I want to be a nice guy here, I really do...

...but the amount or illogical and moronic sewage that is being sprayed on this thread just makes me want to shove you in the naughty corner and beat you down to the ground with your dunce hat. I really do suggest you do your homework on the economical side of things, look at the reasons and reasoning behind it and form an opinion that won't drag down the IQ of everyone that stumbles across this kind of rant.
then say something. correct me. i know a lot more goes into it than just what im saying. economics isnt my major but even with that said i can still see the fucked up shit our government does to just dig itself into deeper holes.


Well-Known Member
im young an learning but here my opinion..

our dollar is junk. i see what your saying about OIL and "oh no" what if they dont accept our dollar for oil. we have a third of the worlds nukes, the gnarliest military in the world, do you really think this country cares if theyre going to acccept our dollar for oil? if they dont, we will take it. and if you think im wrong, your a fucking idiot, its already happening. we went to iraq to build some of the largest embassy's in the world, flood our dollar, and guarantee ourselves a piece of that oil that they were talking about pricing in euros. we arent going ANYWHERE, we will always be in the middle east.
it isnt about money anymore, its about resources, and how long until we dont have anymore of those resources anymore.
people complaining about gas.. cry me a fucking river. gas is 17 dollars a gallon in scottland, do you think theyre whole country is in debt and crying all the time because of that? NO, they learn to make do with what they have.
our public transportation system is a fucking joke, and maybe if people sstopped crying and actually did something to change it, we would actually have a decent public transportation before the oil crash happens.
wtf do you need guns for? to protect your family, you silly redneck fuck. do you really think someone is stupid enough to invade our country at this point in time? the only way to attack america would be nukes, cause your gona get it back tenfold unless you whipe us all out. we live in a nation full of morons, what makes you think everyone of those dumb fucks that voted for bush needs a weapon? that just insanity. you christians think everyone is out to get you, that your better than everyone, and your protecting your country. that is just ridiculous. you want to help your country? DONT VOTE. because you idiots are fucking everything up.
if they drug test people for welfare.. your tax dollars are going to pay for that, and big business is going to benefit from it.. thats how capitalism works man, you signed up for it, deal with it.
this country will crash, who knows when, but it will. and when it does, i hope to be living somewhere else so i can point and laugh at all the ignorant people that believe in infinite growth and capitalism. your going to be carrying backpacks of money to get a loaf of bread while the 1% are packing there bags to go retire off your stupidity in another country.
dont worry, god will save you.
not worried about being invaded as much as people looting and raiding when shit does hit the fan. there is a huge difference between being invaded which i never said would happen and people looting and pillaging becuz they are broke and starving or those few that just feel like causing terror becuz they can. and its not so much being a redneck or christian becuz i am neither. and the gun thing came into play becuz people posting those stupid anti gun shits on facebook without ever even holding or firing a firearm let alone even being around one when it is fired. people move in flocks is what im saying. the smart ones lead the dumb ones into a slaughter just so they can have the power and wealth.

and yes cn it makes a great bottle opener.
Im only talking about cutting out social security for people under a certain age same with other entitlements like medicare. I will never see the money i pay in every month. For anyone to think our government could be trusted with our future savings is crazy they are controlled by banks and corporations that stand to loose too much if they stop spending and repubs and dems are equally at fault both are corrupt.
I wasnt talking about it happening over night im 26 and wont see a dime of what i pay in every month to social security and would much rather use that money to pay extra on my house than to have some corrupt politician piss it away. If you paid in you should get a refund and the program should be cancelled. In a dream world these programs would work but there will always be people that abuse the system and fu*k it up for people that have paid their dues.


Well-Known Member
I wasnt talking about it happening over night im 26 and wont see a dime of what i pay in every month to social security and would much rather use that money to pay extra on my house than to have some corrupt politician piss it away. If you paid in you should get a refund and the program should be cancelled. In a dream world these programs would work but there will always be people that abuse the system and fu*k it up for people that have paid their dues.
no way bro. i live off SSI thank you and everyone else around here for giving me what i need to LIVE. people say its not much...BULLSHIT its enough for rent,bills and left over. i paid little by little into the system and get it all back. im still "job assessing" which money from there is going in to pay me and anyone else who gets ssi or retirement ect. keep the system of ssi you might need it.


Well-Known Member
I wasnt talking about it happening over night im 26 and wont see a dime of what i pay in every month to social security and would much rather use that money to pay extra on my house than to have some corrupt politician piss it away. If you paid in you should get a refund and the program should be cancelled. In a dream world these programs would work but there will always be people that abuse the system and fu*k it up for people that have paid their dues.
Social Security is a Depression-era program inspired by European Fascists. It should have never been implemented in the first place on Constitutional grounds alone.

However, having made that statement; S.S. is not going anywhere. It's simply too big to fail.

Should the elected officials up there in Washington, D.C. try to implement reforms like increasing the retirement age? Yup.

Will they? Nope.

It does not matter.

Only a fool would depend soley on the Federal Government to provide them with a Social Security pension in their retirement years.

Rely on yourself and implement an Individual Security program. Therefore you will control your income in retirement, not a nameless bureaucrat.


no way bro. i live off SSI thank you and everyone else around here for giving me what i need to LIVE. people say its not much...BULLSHIT its enough for rent,bills and left over. i paid little by little into the system and get it all back. im still "job assessing" which money from there is going in to pay me and anyone else who gets ssi or retirement ect. keep the system of ssi you might need it.
We did not give you what you "need" to live. It was forcibly taken from us.