I need your help


New Member
Alright so im new to smoking. I wanna do it really bad but im scared. Im scared cause I dont know what it feels like (obviously) and I dont know when to do it. I was wondering how long the high lasts for and what it feels like. I have some weed and my friend borrowed me his bubbler. Im just nervous that im gonna get high and get paranoid and then have a panic attack. Also I dont know the best times to do it cause my parents are always home (im a senior in high school) and I dont wanna go smoke and then come home and my parents will know. The most time I have when my parents are not home is 1 hour on tuesdays after school. What should I do? Im really really nervous. The only thing that is still making me wanna try it is knowing that most humans have tried it and I havent met a person who hasnt liked it which makes me believe that it is fun. I just wanna know what it generally feels like.

Please Help :(


Active Member
Well, sativa weed will give you an upbeat sort of high, where as indica weed will give a more sedative effect.

Give yourself some time for the high to fade off. If not, you'll notice yourself making this dumb actions by mistake (pacing around, drifting off, stuttering, forgetting simple stuff). It's kind of obvious, especially in front of sober people.

Get some eye drops, brush your teeth, and take a shower long before your parents get home to get rid of all traces. You'll want stuff to drink and eat because you get cotton mouth and the munchies.

Most importantly, just take it easy and set up your surroundings before you're baked. You'll enjoy it.

EDIT: An hour isn't enough. Wait until a day where you have the whole thing for you to do whatever you want.
maybe go some place outside where they're no people, tell your parents that your going to see some friends but dont see the friends if their cool with you being high but still pretend to see your friend (never smoke salvia at home depot) i cant think of anything aaaahhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
Alright so im new to smoking. I wanna do it really bad but im scared. Im scared cause I dont know what it feels like (obviously) and I dont know when to do it. I was wondering how long the high lasts for and what it feels like.
It's a lot like this, so be prepared.


Well-Known Member
okay I smoked my first joint when I was 11, 17 years ago... you need some knowledge first before you smoke. Go out and rent urself this movie; Half Baked, it will explain the high a bit plus get you in the mind set of marijuana. You cannot I repeat cannot do this at home until you are ready and have a few highs under your newbie belt. Go to a place where there is absolutely nobody around and have a companion with you...GET HIGH, inhale it deep, get stoned. You will get the just of how it feels and what it takes to control urself. It reacts basically the same with everyone with slight alterations, you will be fine. No panic attacks and you probably will not have a bad trip, just take a few hoots and stop, wait for it to take effect (bout 5-10 minutes) the effects last about 2-4 hours until your back to normal but even then u will feel a lil bit tired but you'll be fine :) The high sorta starts with a glimmering of your surroundings with a heaviness of the eyes and warmth of the eyes and it will peak within 30 minutes to an hour, fading gradually. WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF CANNABIS. Good luck sir and I hope I explained things for you so you understand, let me know how it goes, you can private message me, I'm curious to see if ya like it, ~ ciao BCbuddy


Active Member
do you plan on growing or not???? ... if not, after u smoke u might think bout it lol i know i did


Active Member
Haha yea, an hour definitely isn't enough time. You need to be in comfortable surrounding for your first time atleast. =P Gotta make it enjoyable ya know?

Do what elfweed said, take a day off school and puff that mota!


It's a lot like this, so be prepared.

holy crap, that made my day.

just chill dude, be prepared, make sure you have enough time, yadda yadda.
just don't worry too much about it.

it's awesome, i dunno anyone who didn't enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
by now he may have already crossed over to the otherside and joined us and the force may be strong in this one... oh yes

hee hee hee strong ;)

shhhhhhhhhhh his parents don't know though :bigjoint: