I Need Your Help!

Hey guys, I'm a new member, so I leave my intro out so I won't keep ya waiting!

I'm 18 years old, and will be attending college in the fall 2011 semester. I've been thinking about a lot of things lately, my life more importantly. All my life I've felt somewhat constricted. I currently live with my grandmother and she is and has always been protective of me. No surprise why I have less than satisfactory social skills and I'm a home body. And recently my Mother has made it quite clear that she's gonna be making the rules in her house. That's not gonna fly with me at all, so I've decided to seriously save up money to get my own place, possibly in Colorado.

I'm very serious about this, and it's very important to me so I'd appreciate any advice or help you all can give me. For those of you who have your own place and are young, how did you do it? How'd you set out your plan to save enough money? I want a small condo preferably, and I want to have enough to be able to move right out of college, if not a few months later. So, if anyone has any advice I need it! Thanks in advance.


Active Member
work, save, repeat... don't spend any more money than you have to... with luck you'll be able to afford something eventually... taking a job that will lead to a stable career down the path will make you more money faster than taking a (what you consider) high paying job that doesn't have prospects for the future... remember what you consider to be a lot of money now almost definitely will not be a lot of money in as little as 5 years depending on where you are and what your situation is then... be smart and don't get jammed up with unneeded issues like kids, jail or anything else that you can't undo... not to be callous, but you don't need kids right now... you need college... and then grad school if you are smart enough, and driven enough... don't party to hard or you may find your options severely limited...


Well-Known Member
You don't NEED college unless you plan on working for "The Man". I personally know 4 different people who are self made millionaires that had no education beyond high school. They had a good work ethic, drive and determination. ALL of them are SELF employed.


Active Member
Is part of the issue... you would have to live with your mother while attending college in the Fall ?


Active Member
Is part of the issue... you would have to live with your mother while attending college in the Fall ?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...without a good job it is hard to support one's self. I am sure that you could manage..but I think it is best to not overextend yourself while finishing college...maybe once you start you could try to find a room mate. Makes it easier when you have someone there to share the load...those first bill payin months are super hard. But focus on your school...the sooner it is done the sooner you are able to get a job and a place of your own...


Well-Known Member
Rules are hard to put up with son but life has rules that are a lot harder to deal with and a lot more costly. Mom and Grand Mom will not be here for every,if you are thinking about life involve all of it. Good luck on your decision.


Active Member
this will suck but will save u tons of cash.....DO NOT TALK TO GIRLS

seriously you'll save a ton. any refund you get, forget bud and save. dont do a bank since the interest is bump. try an online sharebuilder type account. use seed money to sell shirts, buy/sell textbooks. get the cheapest apt and dont put anything in it. you'll have better grades and 15k a semester is reasonable. you'll prob need a job though. i worked distribution so about 450 a week, just no time for sleep with school and all....never worked that part out lol

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Get an education man,
if you have to live with your mom,
who the hell cares.
If you treat her right,
and do what you got to do,
she will ease up.


Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Stock market. Look up day trading, Take a couple months to study it. save up 1k put it in. Use the techniques you learned from your studys and go from there. youll make money if you teach yourself