I need your opinion..


Active Member
I have a buddy that wants to be my partner this season. He doesn't know anything about growing, he isn't really helping to pay for anything major. However, his dad owns about 250 acres worth of land. In your opinion, should I split it down the middle with my friend? For access to the land? Or should I just find somewhere else to grow it and do it by myself?


Active Member
I suppose you're right. I just have a hard time trusting people when it comes to my freedom. He does have a whole lot of land though..


Well-Known Member
First off grow partners seldomly work out in a positive manner,second if your asking us if you should partner up with someone then you must not trust that person enough....


Active Member
I personally, would just find my own spot and do it on my own. Problems can always arise when you have a partner.. especially if you dont know or trust him very well.


Well-Known Member
If you have this much trepidation about it before you start, imagine how it will be two weeks before harvest


New Member
Nothing for nothing....but what about his father? Is he cool with it...because if he isn't, and he's anything like me...and you put my property in danger...I'd hunt you down.


Active Member
No, his dad isn't down with it at all. Thats one of the things im worried about, because he's a good man. All in all, its not looking like a good idea. I don't know where else I could do it like that though. I could literally drive a truck full of plants back there and dig holes all day without worrying about anything.


Active Member
Honestly, i think you know the answer allready. think about it, if you're willing to let one person in on your grow op, he might be willing to let two people know, and they each tell two and so on..... pretty soon guys will be asking the dad if they can buy dope when it is harvest time. and dont forget the guy who got pissed of at your friend and now sees a way to get even at your expense. the sex in jail is top notch from what i have heard.

enjoy yourself!!!!

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
i agree that if you're asking people, you probably dont know him enough. in this case you just have to listen to your instincts. what do you think about this guy? if you can trust him completely then do it.. it's great. it's his risk on his property, you have a lot less risk.


Active Member
My instincts tell me not to trust anybody, and to do it all by myself. Its just no fun that way. Oh well, I can't afford to gamble with this.


Active Member
id do it, but also plant some back ups else where on that 250 acres that no one knows about

Maybe I'll just throw a few out there this season to see how things go. If something happens, at least all my ducks aren't in one pond. And I won't tell anybody about my other plants. I really hate people knowing if they don't have to. I'll have to stress the importance of this to my friend..