I think he’s in a different country and doesn’t have access to everything we do.
Gotta think like McGuyver here.
First your soil is too wet.
Let it dry out some.
When you feed it next time, start with a small amount of fertilizer.
Can’t really tell you how much since I don’t know what you’re using.
But less is always better to start.
You can always add.
Same with the CFL bulbs.
Very small plants don’t need so much.
As they grow they will like more.
Since you are growing under small wattage CFL bulbs, don’t let the plants grow too much before you flower them.
Unless they are autos then you have no choice, they will flower when they flower.
If they get too big the lights will not be strong enough to make good flowers.
Go for less flowers but better quality.
This will be a good lesson for next time.