I Nominate TheMan13


Well-Known Member
I think we need a ceremonial head of the MI forum. I nominate TM13 as Mayor of the MI subforum.

He's always communicating great details of the MI and Fed laws as they change

He's always communicating the various shows, events and political demonstrations.

He's always helping those of us in legal trouble with advice.

What more do you want in your Mayor?

- Vote for TM13 this Fall

Paid for by the Committee to Elect THeMan13

This message was certainly not endorsed by TM13
I sincerely appreciate your kind words and encouragement, but I must decline. I can no longer accept the petulant unfettered hatred I have received from others here for years now to intentionally derailing my threads and posts for their own entertainment. My last thread was hijacked by the usual suspects name calling, but when it devolved to berating the disabled and military vets, it crossed an unacceptable line of civility that I personally can no longer engage in.

I hope that one of you with really thick skin can step up and keep the few decent members left here informed ...

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It's not just about these tools at Trollitup, although witnessing such vindictiveness and hatred in that thread made me think twice about those that I am actually criticizing. I've put my name and address out there to many seeking court records over this past month and to go forward I believe I'll have to give up mmj to protect my family. I think it's time to turn my efforts in the direction of peer reviewed graduate studies, as it's the only way to truly prove my theories. I've already been looking into Rx alternatives, procedures and surgeries to make it possible.
You have the respect of the respectful and the admiration of the intelligent. The rest are so my that:the rest. But it's short sighted of me to think you can just ignore the fools.

Disagree with THE MAN, and you're a fool? :roll:

He stomped his feet and called names, and now he's taking his toys and going home. Cool. If you can't handle people disagreeing with you then maybe public forums aren't for you.
I sincerely appreciate your kind words and encouragement, but I must decline. I can no longer accept the petulant unfettered hatred I have received from others here for years now to intentionally derailing my threads and posts for their own entertainment. My last thread was hijacked by the usual suspects name calling, but when it devolved to berating the disabled and military vets, it crossed an unacceptable line of civility that I personally can no longer engage in.

I hope that one of you with really thick skin can step up and keep the few decent members left here informed ...

Holy crap you're still around! Hey don't know if you will remember me, but I met you in Lansing at some shady ass dispensary a few years ago. The guy at the disp wanted us to sign our cards over to him in order to look at and buy meds...lol. I traded you a homemade cloning tub for a pack of beans and also gave a you a little bud of something I had at the time. I'm sorry for putting this out in the open, I haven't figured out how to private message yet. But anyway, good to see you here. :bigjoint:
Regardless of the b.s. a few of you have managed to get bent about, clearly theman13 is an asset to the michigan forum.

I don't really care about your differing politics or who felt slighted by him at one time or another. I would appreciate it if he would return. I can't blame him for taking a little time off, but the Michigan forum is much better off with this presence.
I'll say I have never met TH13, but as I've said all along for many years, he's still one of the very top people I'd like to toke with ITRW. I wish TheMan13 would come back also.

St0we is my good friend and an invaluable resource on and off this forum. His actions and kindness spur me to try and be a better person.
I'm still around, I've just given up on my pot forum judicial activism. I'm painfully aware that there is no such thing as "common law" and for years now I've naively examined the few local mmj cases made public here in the context of complicated case law and legal procedure. I have always been aware of the cognitive dissonance drawn and have tried to deal with it the best I know how. That said, being spit on publicly as a disabled vet by someone who does not know me claiming to disagree with my view of the law is simply as unreasonable and it is unacceptable. It's more than just my own self respect at issue that has ceased my responses here and I hope most of you can understand ...

MMMA is pushing a decade old now and it's high time someone tells the story of our judicial system backed by the facts, numbers and peer review. I may not be the best protagonist, but I am afraid I am the only willing protagonist at this point. I have ceased growing and soon will give up MMJ and return to Rx in an attempt to regain my academic credibility and protect my family. Of particular interest to me is the use of residential raids by local task forces and courts (sadly regardless of MMMA and backed by standing case law) forcing patients and caregivers into plea deals and rendering their (what I believe to be unlawful) actions unreviewable by law. Due to the ability of the courts to suppress these facts of the matter for many years, my studies will necessarily be a few years in the past and very difficult. We the People will never win this argument in a court of law given the innate conflict of interest (lawyers on all sides profiting) and I believe the only answer will come from objective public policy studies and debate. Slavery, women suffrage and civil rights were clearly not won in a court of law, but rather in spite of them as the People got educated and rallied for true justice. Think of me in the next year or so when you hopefully begin reading articles of my expose' work ...
Hey Theman13, damn I didn't know about anything that you mention in your post. I never knew that you were a veteran, you'll always have my respect. I would like to get in contact with you again, would that be a possibility? If not, I can understand.
Still don't know what the beef is/was that lead to this. Infighting is the way "they" dismantle "US", that much I'm sure of. Enemy of my enemy... and all that. Not a fan of doctor Bob or all of his views but I can disagree with him and still realize we are on the same side and he is an asset to "US". "Can't we all just get along"-rip Rodney.